by their choice of words? Do bigger words equate to higher intelligence?
by jeanniebeanz 63 Replies latest jw friends
by their choice of words? Do bigger words equate to higher intelligence?
I`ve never thought about using bigger words. Now I`m a friggin genius .....OUTLAW
The most effective way of communicating is chosing words that your audience will understand. You don't talk quantum theory with high school choir students. Everyone here at JWD is smart in various areas. We have lawyers, doctors, scientists, salespeople, historians, etc. Each has a strong suit for a certain aspect of his/her life. When talking about other things they may be as clueless as the rest of us. Reading H/S and Alan F's posts regarding chronology is "complex" in my opinion yet easy for many others to understand.
Just because a person is smart in one area, makes him no genius. Just a specialized talented person.
I don't judge others, but look at their ACTIONS and try to understand why they act like they do....without judging.
You well know, Jeannie, that dialect, pronunciation, grammar, speech impediments, accents, etc. all are proof of intelligence. As is good looks, nice teeth, lots of money. Why else does an idiot like George Clooney have a political platform?
Give me a good dentist, a plastic surgeon, a speech therapist and a loan officer and I could rule the world
Sesquipedalianism ipso facto necessitates supranormal cognition.
Inferring exceptional intellectual acumen from polysyllabic vocabularies is contraindicated (prevalence notwithstanding).
Inferring exceptional intellectual acumen from polysyllabic vocabularies is contraindicated (prevalence notwithstanding).
I just love that sentence.
Say it again.