Whether we mean to or not, we cannot help but judge others by how they speak. And by judge it can mean just putting them in a social category in our minds (it is instantaneous usually). We may still like them but we will know by how they speak what socioeconomic background and what intelligence level they are.
People in certain professions have their own lingo and people who are in a strictly academic category have long list of $100 dollar words they use often.This is not in itself wrong. However, when in a mixed social setting it is certainly not necessary (and rather rude, I think) to use unusual vocabulary words. You can make yourself understood speaking in plain language.
There is no need to make others feel inadequate by showing off.
Do you judge others...
by jeanniebeanz 63 Replies latest jw friends
I ve found that those that use excessively long words where there is no real need are displaying some form of insecurity. Its like they have something to prove; granted this could be an overgeneralisation but largely I have found this to be the case.
If I am right on this I think it can stem from spending so much time in an organisation that belittles, demeans and breeds low self esteem through its ranks. Upon leaving it is not difficult to see how someone can feel the need to try and prove to others that they are not as the JWs would have them believe and this is one of the many ways in which this becomes visible.
Good communication is about being understood by your audience and being able to pitch your message accordingly...granted the language used in court, in surgery or hospital or before other academics is bound to be different to that used in day to day life...so no I dont judge people by the long words they use, I try to read between the lines.
I ve found that those that use excessively long words where there is no real need are displaying some form of insecurity
so no I dont judge people by the long words they use, I try to read between the lines.
Have I missed something here?
Anybody who judges a person on a discussion board by anything but their posts is liable to make some serious errors of judgment.
Anybody who takes discussion boards too seriously is liable to make some serious errors of judgment.
Anybody who sits on Elton John's lap is in for a small surprise.
Frannie Banannie
No, not really. After all.....an ounce of pretention is worth a pound of manure.