About to get df'd(?) need suggestions.

by Insomniac 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • grissom

    I suggest you repent.

    That is what the Bible says that people should do.

  • Insomniac

    Lordy. y'all have given me some awesome suggestions! I love the idea of a party, held after hours at my store. That way, I'd have plenty of room for everyone, and even some of my gay/pagan/goth/gambling/smoking clientele could be there, too. JeannieB, I do like the idea of the banner, or maybe some flyers with the same message.

    On consideration, I may go ahead and beat them to the punch, by finally disassociating myself. I'm wavering on this, though, because it seems like it's playing by their rules, as though I owe them closure of any kind. I'll think on it.

    Grissom- I don't know you, so I'm unsure if you're joking or not! While repenting of one's sins (while resolving to try to do better in the future) is an admirable action, in this case I've done nothing for which to repent. I work hard, I pay my bills, I love my family and friends and try to care for them as best I can. I respect people of all faiths and sexual orientations. Where is the sin there? True, many Christians would consider gambling to be a sin, as well as smoking, and being in love with a person of the same gender. But see, I'm not Christian, nor do I hold myself to the their standards, set by a bunch of men living in the Mid-East 2,000 years ago, who worshipped a god who stood by as his own son was tortured to death. There are many forms of spirituality, and the path I've chosen is one of love and acceptance, not hate and intolerance. But I do thank you for your concern for my spiritual welfare all the same.

  • codeblue

    Wow Insomniac, your shop sounds awesome!!! What is the name of it? How long have you had it?

    Seems rather weird the elder and his wife are just now checking out your shop Seems pretty pathetic they are more worried about you then pedophiles!

    Since I am "fading" I don't have any suggestions for your possible df'ding party....(sorry)...

  • Mary
    I feel like I should have a disfellowshipping par-tay when it finally happens, to celebrate. Any suggestions as to how to mark this passage I'm about to make, from bondage to freedom?

    Ahem......yes, I think you should send out formal invitations to everyone at your local Kingdumb Hell that says:

    You are cordially invited to my disfellowshipping party

    which falls on my birthday so we'll be celebrating them both together.

    Gay waiters are on hand for all your needs.

    Door prizes include a months' supply of cigarettes and lottery tickets.

    It's BYOS (bring your own sacrifice), and we prefer a goat or a lamb (no blind or lame ones though)

    Please RSVP me immediately before I put a curse on you.

  • cyd0099

    I also serve up some pretty damn good coffee. I will pull a shot in your honor.

  • Country_Woman

    go to the local papers, tel them that you celebrate your final freedom en that you are giving a discount of 10% to let everyone join in your happiness.........

  • zagor

    Buy yourself a drink mate

  • kid-A

    I wonder if gris-baldi has repented yet for his continued association with apostates and the DF'd? I sure hope

    gris-baldi will be inviting us all to his disfellowshipping party since its only a matter of time until one of his fellow

    jehovah-flunkies figures out he has been posting here and rats him out to the "proper spiritual authorities" !

    Enjoy your up-coming judicial committee meeting grissy !!!

  • Frog

    Heya Insomniac, sounds like life is going really sweet for you, I'm very happy for you:)

    Getting the big D can be good closure on an open chapter that you want to come to an end, but to be honest I really don't think you should give them the satisfaction of submitting yourself to their discipline. I'm assuming that you wouldn't even consider attending their JDC. If you want to be excommunicated from this lot you should write your own DA letter, but only if that's what you really want. If you don't feel that you've done anything at all wrong (which is definitley how you should feel), and you don't feel the need for final closure, from this sick and hateful cult, then you should protest it. You should write a slightly threatening letter in response to their request to meet with you, with an ever so slighy legal slant. If you've got the dosh pay your solicitor to do it for you. Anyway, most important thing is that you take these steps in your own time, not that you feel pressured to make the leap just because these spooks feel they have the right to imtimidate you.

    If you do get's D'd or DA'd though, you absolutely should have a big celebration. You should take a bottle of champagne into the overflow room and chink glasses with some of your best mates during the announcement, just a suggestion;) hehe. All the best, frog x

  • Insomniac

    Wow! What a lot of good suggestions!

    Mary, your ideas put a big ol'grin on my face. I also like Country Woman's 10% off sale- "stock up on smokes, and learn a bit about the little cult in our midst while you do so". Rutherford would be rolling over in his grave.

    Frog, I have absolutely no intention of attending a jc meeting. I just can't see the point of it, unless they'd allow me to video the entire thing so I could make a documentary about the witnesses. I doubt they'd allow it, so I refuse to play their little games on their turf. If they get bothersome, my bf has offered to let me borrow his attorney to write a warning letter to them. All things considered, I believe that if they want to get nasty with me, I do hold the upper hand, in both a legal and a moral sense, therefore I shouldn't be worried about anything except how much I want to spend on the champagne.

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