personal websites in the JW???

by christina 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • christina

    hi everybody - can you spare a minute and tell me about your personal experiences regaring having a personal webpage as a JW?

    I am working on a school project about JW and the Internet and in this connection I interviewed a representative of the society.

    I asked him about personal websites and he said explicitly that, "there is nothing stopping individual Witnesses from setting up that sort, and we don’t say nobody is to have a website and all that kind of, you know that is entirely a matter for the individual to determine".

    However, I can't really make that fit with the impression I get from surfing personal websites. Several of these seem to reflect a strong JW discouragement of personal websites, e.g. they talk about maybe having to remove the pages. Another very dedicated JW who has such a webpage has told me how she now and then receives angry and rude e-mails from fellow JWs who accuse her of being an apostate.

    So, what should I believe?? Is it really a completely personal decision to set up a personal webpage?? Or does the society discourage it?? If yes, how?? Through congregational meetings?? Can people with personal webpages be disfellowshipped??

    With other words, what are your experiences??


    the Internet and I talked to

  • Carlo

    hello Christina

    I'm a circuitoverseer. Go to my page

    You will find everything about the Society's wiev on personal homepage's and our use of the Internet there.

    But short version: Don't


  • RationalWitness


    This page contains scans of Kingdom Ministry comments on internet usage, personal websites, etc., and should get you started:

    Best wishes,

  • battman

    Hello Carlo,
    Please help me out here. I am confused about the
    purpose of your web site. You state clearly that
    the answer to personal JW sites is "don't" which is
    amplified on the front page of your very own site.

    Then why do you go ahead and create, host and
    maintain your own web "presence"?

    Is it a matter of ego? I get that feeling in the pit
    of my tummy, esp when your "portrait" is so promeinetly

    As to your cheering on the "good news" about copyright
    violaters being arrested, I can appreciate the LAW but
    what about give freely. Did Jesus have his material CR.

    thought every means possible was to the benefit of spreading
    the Good News. Besides the WT has yet to be "intellectual"
    that i can fathom. They have copied ideas from the Adventists
    and others and are basically intellectually dishonest and
    historical revionists.

    not a very pretty picture. although you seem kind of cute.


  • sf

    I know of a few from who put up webpages for other jws as a hobby, and or a service to them. They do not charge them for it. It is "something Jehovah would be proud of" they claim. Whatever eases the guilt, I guess.

    I actually have a list of them as a "covertoperation" months ago. I tried to relay to the woman that she needed to make sure everyone on that list should permis her to post them because it could cause the webpage owner undue problems such as nasty emails, etc. She said she really didn't need it because she created the room originally. Therefore, SHE had sole control of who viewed them. I asked if I could view them. To my amazement, she gave me the url of about ten sites of active, baptized jws(publishers). Complete with photos and name of cong! I suggested that perhaps it wasn't a good idea she divulge these to JUST ANYBODY. She said she can't control what others do once they view the sites. I told her, "but if you did'nt make them so accessible, there would be VIRTUALLY no risk for your brothers and sisters to incur those nasty apostates." She laughed.
    I said thanks for letting me view them. And then I bookmarked them.

    I really do not see how the WTBTS can stop them, short of a gun to their head. Oh wait....

    So, what WILL the GB do when da flock revolt?

    If Yahoo voice chatrooms are not one indication of this revolt, I do not know what is. There are so many (claimed) active jws online these days, nothing will get in the way of their only friend, their computer. Alot of these people are lonely jws who love their access online. I can't see many of them stopping because of "internet laws/policies" that will inevidably manifest within this org. I mean, in five years from now, how much more will we still be uncovering from this corrupt, criminal "snare and rackett"? Will there be more? It can't possible stand up to this phenomenon called the SuperHighway.

    And that Highway is My byway to knowlegde and education about RealHistory of this world and all the "other" worlds within this world. History and Truths that have been long held secret. I'm on a journey and it's becoming a real blast. Just trying to learn the art of filteration, DISCERNMENT, sifting through to Gain more Knowledge and Truth, is quite the lesson itself. Most of what I post is only food for thought. I am very (rarely) ever convinced totally of something because I pick it apart until I AM satisfied with the answer.

    Do you think many jws are coming out or reading things
    about the org more and more, or do you think most of them are only online to chat or post messages. Why ARE there so many when km'99 WARNED THEM? Do you see it as an increasing problem or will the society just leave them alone and allow them their INTERNET FREEDOM(OF SPEECH)?


  • nytelecom1

    carlo is clearly a fake.......and by his pic on the page a flaming homosexual.but its all good. considering he is from denmark, the branch may allow homosexual c.o.s

  • battman

    Hi NY,
    thanks for the "Insight", no wonder i thought he
    was soooo cute. typical "double standard. its
    ok for me but not for you. i know what is best
    for you. sounds like a kid that was beat up
    everydy after school and now gets to "play"
    at having power over others. bullshit i say!!!

    as to the effect of the internet on the dubs i like
    to look at how many times the various threads are
    being read. very, very impressive numbers for sure


  • Kent

    Hi nytelecom1;

    I happen to know Carlo, and he's actually not a "flaming homosexual" - not that I care what he is; or anybody else for that matter. (It seems you have a problem with homosexuals, he, he. I wonder why, wink, wink)

    As a matter of fact, he became a father just a few months ago!

    Yakki Da


    "The only difference between a fool and the JW legal department is that a fool might be sympathetic ."

    Daily News On The Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witnesses:

  • Stephanus

    Hi Kent,

    I love the bit on Carlo's page where he hails your "arrest" over the "Pay Attention" book as a major legal victory for the Tower. I suppose in today's climate where such victories are few and far between, you've got to put a positive spin on things

    Q: How do you know a Dub loyal to "Jehovah's Organisation" is lying?
    A: Their lips are moving.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Christina, forgive the men here....they're once again getting preoccupied with howling and beating their chests. You know how men are. LOL

    The WTBTS is doing a PR job when they tell you that it is totally up to the individual. This statement sounds better than the actual truth of the matter, which is that in publications and at assemblies, JWs are constantly warned about the evils of the Internet, and told that individual web pages are neither necessary nor proper. They stress that people should go to the "official" web page and no other.

    Many JWs have pulled their web pages off the net for that very reason. Some still have pages up, but if the WTBTS keeps up the "wise and loving counsel" about web pages, I'm sure that most of those will shortly disappear.

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