Are you a Wizard or a muggle? Anyway, wondering if anyone else if looking forward to the new release. I already preordered and since my Witness family has always said Harry Potter is demonized, I hope mine comes with the proper evil forces or I will feel like I purchased a defect. Anyway, who else if looking forward to the next edition?
Harry Potter
by free2beme 29 Replies latest jw friends
I preordered one for me and one for hubby since we'd just fight over it anyway. I started reading the books way before I heard anything "demonistic" about them from mainline folks or my JW parents. When I heard that they thought the books were awful I had to laugh to myself. How innocent and imaginative are they? Puleeeze.
However, I will say this. I believe the last book needed to spend another 6 months in editing. It was far too wordy without conveying the plotline intended. It should have been cut down by another 50 to 75 pages....quite easily. -
jeanniebeanz hubby called the first one, "Harry Pot-head and the Sorcerers Bong" He hates them, I love them. But then, I love fantasy books.
Just finished Eragon by Christopher Paolini and have Eldest on pre-order. Loved the Sword of Shanara series, and would absolutely love to be able to collect the entire Chronicles of Gor series. They are getting very hard to find these days...
horrible life
My child is looking forward to it. Goes on sale at 12:01 on the 16th. Guess we will stay up late. Did we not watch Bewitched as children. My parents never said a word about it. Not many Disney movies without witches, spirits, etc. Wizard Mickey. omg
Yep, I'm looking forward to reading that and also can't wait to watch the Goblet of Fire movie when it comes out later this year.
Another book about magic that I really enjoyed reading that you might want to check out: Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke.
I've never read them but my 15year old loves them and even has a poster on her bedroom wall. My JW wife complains and yet one of her all time favorite movies is the WIZARD of Oz...Go figure.
my Witness family has always said Harry Potter is demonized
My nephew, who is being Pentecostalized by his dad and stepmom, shudders at the very mention of Harry Potter, because of having been lectured about it at his church as being something that True Christians would have no part of. However he has no problem with Star Wars (the force), That's So Raven (clairvoyancy), Lord of the Rings (wizards, magic rings, etc.). JWism by a different name.
I am a proud 29 year old lover of Harry Potter books. I am not ashamed!
I aspire to be a wizard, dread muggles, but am resigned to the fact that I most likely a squib, aware of the wizard world, but alas lacking any magical powers what so ever.
Damselfly ( owner of Harry Potter toe-socks )
Big Tex
Howdy free. Yep my kids and I are really into Harry Potter. My 9 year old son and I got into a rousing discussion about whether it is better to have super powers, use the Force or use magic. It's a subject about which he's very passionate.
I like the series because it's an interesting story that is well told. No it's not great literature, but there's nothing wrong with fiction being fun. And yes, we are counting the days until the release.
So do you think that Harry will face Voldemort again? Will Hermione and Ron admit their obvious feelings toward each other? Who is unnamed Death Eater (I'm voting on Cornelius Fudge meself)? Now that the magic world has been alerted to Voldemort's return, how do they respond? And who is the half-blood prince?
Inquiring minds want to know.
My 9 year old son and I got into a rousing discussion about whether it is better to have super powers, use the Force or use magic. It's a subject about which he's very passionate.
I vote for magical powers!