"Tear Down the Watchtower Day!"

by 144001 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144001

    After surviving what has been a rather depressing week, an idea suddenly came to me. After being born and raised in the loathsome cult that is the Watchtower, I was deprived of many things, including without limitation all holidays and the accompanying joy that goes with them. As an adult, I've been celebrating all the traditional "worldly" holidays, but although I enjoy and appreciate them, I've noticed that there's something missing. I'm beginning to understand that this "missing" feeling relates to the fact that the Watchtower corporations, and the sickening subhuman gristle that serve on their respective boards of directors, have robbed me and millions of other individuals of, among many other things, the happiness that children experience during the holidays. As an adult, I have merely "adopted" holidays, rather than having them since my birth.

    It seems to me that those, who, like me, were born and raised in this evil cult, are deserving of a holiday to call their own. This would be a holiday that is not an "adopted holiday," but one that can serve as a release of at least some of the anger that the child abusing and exploiting Watchtower cult is responsible for.

    Although anyone reading my posts here will likely conclude that I'm no Republican, I do have admiration for the late President Reagan's incredible speaking talent (although I disliked most of his policies and ideas) that served him so well as a politician. On June 12, 1987, President Reagan delivered a speech to the people of West Berlin that was also audible on the East Side of the Berlin Wall. Mr. Reagan's famous words, which will live forever in history books, were:

    " General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

    I'm asking all here who share the pain I have personally experienced and continue to experience as a result of the abominable cult that is the Watchtower to choose our own holiday, a day that will be known as the "Tear Down the Watchtower" day. Celebrating this holiday would involve some sort of personal action against the Watchtower; the nature of which would be up to the creative minds of those who celebrate it. If on at least one day a year, everyone adversely affected by this cult took some sort of action against it, it could make a dent in the Watchtower's armor and serve as a release of anger attributable to this wretched cult.

    Suggestions for a firm date, as well as the nature of some of the lawful activity that could be performed on said date, are welcome in this thread!

  • Sunspot
    the sickening subhuman gristle that serve on their respective boards of directors, have robbed me and millions of other individuals of, among many other things, the happiness that children experience during the holidays.

    Hmm......."sickening subhuman gristle".....Very apt description of them, 144001! It bears repeating.

    I DO celebrate this in my own way. Every time I post about them or tell someone about them IT MAKES MY DAY!!!!

    Maybe if some of you want to take one day and designate it like.....we used to do that 10-day tract crap---and focus even MORE on writing to the media (like Danny Haszard does) or leaving short notes on grocery store boards etc, this might just catch ON!


  • grissom

    One problem with that theory.

    I'm still here. I have the ability to print literature based

    on the Bible and teach the Bible's message to others.

    The literature that I print will contain the same message

    that the WT's literature does.

    The other problem with your theory is that there are many faithful

    Jehovah's Witnesses who will continue to preach and teach even

    without your Watchtower.

  • 144001

    Gristle Grissom

    While you are "still here," (apparently in flesh but not mind), you are entirely irrelevant to me or this thread. If you were capable of comprehending that which you read, you would recognize that this thread solicits suggestions for a designated date as well as the nature of the activity that could be engaged in in commemoration of said date, and did not seek senseless drivel such as that you provided or that which can be heard at any meeting in the hellhole known as a kingdumb hall. Thanks for the exhibition of foolishness, though.

  • 144001


    Besides letter writing, I'm thinking of other activities, including using my extremely small digital camera to photograph parents beating their children at kingdumb and assembly halls. I would forward those pictures to local media along with a thorough explanation of the abuse that is common to such dungeons.

  • Sunspot

    Someone said;
    I'm still here. I have the ability to print literature based on the Bible and teach the Bible's message to others.

    Izzat so? You may still "be here" but you do NOT teach the bible's message to others. You preach a different Gospel than Jesus brought while he was on earth.

    Someone said;
    The literature that I print will contain the same message that the WT's literature does.

    How exciting THAT will be!!! People rarely LOOK at "your" literature, let alone be drawn to your evil society!

    Let's face it----even the JWs themselves are getting tired of the rehashing and presenting the same information as "new publications", they are NOT BEING WELL FED SPIRITUALLY!

    I am SURE that Jesus is aware of the WTS shortchanging HIS sheep and that he is sad over the state of those STILL hungering for TRUTH as HE taught it.

    It is not yet time for him to take care of these matters, but rest assured he WILL, and the WTS's MANY secrets and nasty deeds will certainly be exposed.

    Keep in mind that HE knows exactly what is going on and he WILL hold all the liars accountable for treating HIS sheep so badly.

    The Watchtower has spouted lies to its people for a long, long time and they aren't even aware of it.

    God IS.


  • Sunspot
    Besides letter writing, I'm thinking of other activities, including using my extremely small digital camera to photograph parents beating their children at kingdumb and assembly halls. I would forward those pictures to local media along with a thorough explanation of the abuse that is common to such dungeons.

    More power TO ya! Great idea!

    I cringe though, when this subject comes up. I did this to six kids I raised, trying to mold them into little adults, subjecting them to smacks and thumps when they merely were acting like growing healthy children---all to make them SIT STILL for endless hours each week. I am SO ashamed.

    There was a neighbor by one KH I attended, who had called the police when she kept seeing little ones, all dressed up in tiny suits or dresses, being spanked OFTEN just outside her back porch. It enraged her.

    The elders, rather than tell the congregation not to "physically discipline" the kiddies like that----they suggested to go into the restrooms or the library when it wasn't in use and not go outside where she could see them!!!!!


    GET that camera and keep it loaded with film. I have a hunch that you'll get to "use it" real soon!


  • Now What?
    Now What?

    It just so happens that this year we selected July 4th, Independance Day as also a family 'religious freedom day'. We thought it was appropriate. Religious divisions have kept the family apart for over 10 years. So everyone invited guests from their respective religions to come celebrate with us. It was a great time, even though none of my jw friends showed up. We launched 4 hours of fireworks and the neighbors family (who also happens to be a protestant pastor) also joined in. Soon we had the whole block going. We decided to do it again New Years. It really made the isolationists like the jw look VERY snooty in the eyes of everyone. One comment was that those 'poor jw' need to be pitied, and the next time one calls they need to be told how wonderful Christian freedom is. We will see what happens

  • Now What?
    Now What?

    I have also been giving SERIOUS thought to doing the silentlambs KH visit every April (abuse awareness month). I just missed it this year when I found out about it, but like the idea of sending a press release to the local paper and delivering a little stuffed lamb to the KH's in the area. Especially since my KH is on the 'pedophile watch list'.

  • Sunspot
    It just so happens that this year we selected July 4th, Independance Day as also a family 'religious freedom day'. We thought it was appropriate. Religious divisions have kept the family apart for over 10 years. So everyone invited guests from their respective religions to come celebrate with us.

    What a WONDERFUL idea!!! It sounded as if you got some very nice nods from those in your area! I applaud you!


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