grissom-Introduce yourself!

by Sparkplug 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • kid-A

    Any person with a functioning brain would see the obvious truth that the WTS has consistently, since its inception, proven itself to be a FALSE PROPHET.

    1914,1925, 1975. The bible explicitely warns against false prophets Grissy, and you are hopelessly deceived by a billion-dollar publishing corporation

    masquerading as "gods mouthpiece", to quote your philosopher king, CT Russell. Incredible, this is a remarkable psychological case study in brain washing.

    Look carefully at this board Grissy, "newbies" signing up on an hourly basis telling there stories of escape. You should be very disturbed that for every 1 grissom,

    there are 5000 dissidents and escapees from the WTS.

  • Robdar

    Right on Kid-A. Good post.

    Welcome to JWD.


  • undercover
    I see where you all have gone wrong, you have not made the truth your own.

    What is truth?

    Did Jesus return invisibly in 1874 or 1914? Which is truth? If one is truth, the other is a lie.

    Did Armageddon come in 1914, 1918, 1925 or 1975? If what was taught as truth did not happen is is not a lie?

    What is the definition of "generation". The definition today is not the same as the definition before 1995. Which definition is "truth"?

    Now, for your information, I made the "truth" my own. For many years. The "truth" ended up being a lie. Armageddon didn't come. I have watched people of two previous generations to mine die as they waited for Armageddon. They believed, because they were told it was the truth, that they would not die. They were lied to as I was lied to. Armageddon would come before I finished school. Armageddon would come before any usefulness of a college education would be beneficial. Armageddon would come before I grew old. Armageddon would come before any children I would have would grow up. None of it came true. What was taught as "truth" was actually a lie.

    And you have the gall to tell me where I went wrong? You're telling me that I haven't "made the truth my own"? There is no "truth" as taught by the WTS. It's all lies and propaganda to enslave you to do their bidding.

  • RichieRich
    And you have the gall to tell me where I went wrong?


  • Sith

    I want to welcome you to the board, Grissom. I haven't been here long, so I'm not much more than a newbie myself. I replied to one of your posts on another thread, and if I sounded insulting, I apologize.
    You are absolutely correct. This is a Jehovah's Witness discussion board and you have every right to be here and voice your opinion.
    There are a lot of angry and bitter people here. I can occasionally fall into that category if I allow myself. I try not to, but it gets the better of me sometimes. There are also calm and thoughtful people here. I don't fall into that category near enough.
    Please do yourself a favor. Look past the anger and name-calling. Think. Read. Use your brain. God gave it to you for a reason.
    Edited to say: Although it may not seem like it at times, people are encouraged to think and form opinions here. That is the one thing that differentiates us from your WTBTS.

  • kid-A


    I understand your point. However, this individual has been hijacking threads with arrogant, self-righteous WTS spew. It would be one

    thing if they were engaging in thoughtful debate, but this is simply a TROLL who posts and runs. The line was crossed the other day

    when he essentially blamed a newbie on another thread (who had been molested by a dub) for not reporting it fast enough to the elders,

    ergo, it was his fault for being a victim. I am not surprised that people are outraged by this repulsive self-righteous arrogance. You cannot

    reason with an individual so utterly in denial and psychologically indoctrinated. We are talking about the defense of a cult that has resulted

    in the deaths and psychological ruin of tens of thousands of WTS victims. I see no point in wearing kid-gloves.

  • kid-A

    Thanks, Robyn!

  • DannyBloem

    hmm, I do not agree with Grimsom, but I think he must be welcome.

    We can not call him a troll and shun him just because he has a different opinion. I really do not like people who get too personal to him also. Of course telling what you think about what he said no problem.

    Or we must change this board to: ex jw discussion board. JW's NOT welcome.

    Just my opinion


  • kid-A

    I believe the name of the site is "Free-Minds", not "Borg-Minds"....just an observation.

  • DannyBloem
    I believe the name of the site is "Free-Minds", not "Borg-Minds"....just an observation.

    Hmm, I do not know this. Looks like the name is JWD, at least that is what is in my left upper corner.

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