Do you know of JWs that suffered sanctions due to WTS rules that have absolutely no basis in the Bible such as going to university or growing beards or refusing to wear suits in fs, reading religious books of other denominations or anything silly?
Unbiblical rules and sanctions in the WTS
by greendawn 26 Replies latest jw friends
Now What?
I was counseled for wearing Mickey Mouse cufflinks during a talk. My retort was that they matched my socks (which they did! I had these really cool black Mickey dress socks). Then it suddenly became a big issue and it was the 'Back Room' for me. Funniest part was I was 30 yrs old and library/literature servant at the time. So here we were, three grown men discussing Mickey socks, and me being counseled that I was not setting a good exanple from the platform and distracting from the 'message of Jehovah'.
Hmmm, come to think of it, I was skipped on the next talk cycle. Lucky me! -
G Money
The WTS is kind of like the Phasrisees with all the made up rules to control people whilst they self-righteously point the finger...
Do you know of JWs that suffered sanctions due to WTS rules
Good question greendawn.....but not sure what you mean exactly. Do you mean do we know any who were counciled, reproved, removed....or do you mean do we know any who weren't able to do certain things yhey would have liked to have done, but couldn't because of watchtower rules? If the latter is the case.....I think ALL dubs suffered from these santions.
I was once counseled for wearing sunglasses that were too worldly when I went out in field service. (They were pink)
Gumpy what I am refering to jws that had reproofs or sanctions placed on them for what are trivial or silly things to all normal people, things that are not clearly forbidden in the bible. Such as going to university, having a beard, reading books with views opposed to the WTS, celebrating easter, or as Kazar says for wearing fancy sunglasses on the fs and a myriad of similar silly little rules.
I just wanted to worship Jesus. You would have thought I had peed on Charlie Russell's grave the way those self-righteous dubs acted about it.
Honesty, that's another really valid point the dubs are not only doing something that has no biblical support but something that actually opposes biblical principle, and this is a very strange attitude from an org that calls itself christian JWs. They have a very warped perception of Christianity. They dethroned the Christ and thus became antichrists.
Expelling people for celebrating Christmas and smoking are not really Biblical, Christmas after all reminds us of what Christ came to the world for.
Do you know of JWs that suffered sanctions due to WTS rules that have absolutely no basis in the Bible such as going to university or growing beards or refusing to wear suits in fs, reading religious books of other denominations or anything silly?
Funy, exactly all those things you mentioned I do openly, and fif not get reproved, nor lost any priveliges. But non biblical things like smoing, birthdays will get you in trouble though Danny