Running Man's Book

by startingover 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • z

    printed runningman's book off the other day. all 103 pages. now i can sit in the comfort of the shade and read it whilst waiting for a fresh kill. he he)

    I did the same Runningman’s did great work and kudos to him his writing with allot of hummer and informative BRAVO

  • Now What?
    Now What?

    ok, so what's the hubbub about this book? I tried to do a search but said was being redeveloped. So if you be so kind as to drop a link as to what you are talking about I will go check it out. thx

  • jeanniebeanz

    This is the only search site I can think of...maybe someone else will be able to help you. You can also go to Runningman's topic history in the member section and find his 'book' that way.


  • z

    He email it to me if you go and ask him he will. you can pm him and ask to email you

  • Now What?
    Now What?

    oh I think I get it! Thx jeannie.

    When I did the search I see that its all those athiest book of bible stories type threads Y'all prolly think I am real dense lol. Sorry, I just didn't get it at first. I was thinking there was some book on Amazon or something.

  • tetrapod.sapien
    I was thinking there was some book on Amazon or something.

    no, but it should be! with some illustrations it would be even more of a hilarious read. certainly adult, though, what with the foreskin harvesters and what not. LOL

    but that's what is oxymoron-ic about "My Book of Bible Stories". you think runningman is warped? ha ha! the dudes at bethel who wrote the bible story book are warped in a non-funny way!

  • startingover

    The non response from the christians speaks volumes.

  • Now What?
    Now What?

    Sorry, startingover. There are quite a few chapters and so it will be some time to get to them all. Only read the intro so far, but look forward to the rest.

    I will say that the intro was very entertaining. However I don't believe in the second assumption as a Christian. So it might be like discussing what lawn care is like on a Dr. Seuss planet (something of practical value built on something fanciful). Fun, but not necessarily of religious value. But we will see as the chapters unfold before my eyes.

  • startingover

    Somehow I knew this thread would die a slow death without an answer.

  • stillajwexelder

    Yes I love Running Mans series - done with great humor and makes a good read. I also enjoy the more serious tone series of Seattle Nice Guy on Evolution. What I like about Running Mans is that I thought I knew my bible and just did not realize there were so many discrepancies so obviously edited and added later to fit the politics of the time. The one about the foreskins was brilliant.

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