ya, i noticed they had a huge fallout in 2002. way more than the other high countries.
What happend to Japan and its explosive Growth??????????????
by JT 32 Replies latest jw friends
What's the difference between follers and follwers?
It is all due to that DEMONIZED INTERNET
Economy went down so all pioneer sisters had to work as geishas, and got rooted, damn my spelling I meant booted. So numbers plummeted, simple.
Crisis of Conscience was published in the Japanese language.
Thanks bebu.
Great zagor!
then all of a sudden the bottom fell out, what do you think happend
I can still recall some prat of an elder, he was Service Overseer in his congo, giving a talk about Japan's "exponential" growth.
Guess it went off the board, eh???
thanks for the comments- i can see how culture,fad and economic issues, plus the net and info on wt could all play a huge role in their decrease and man it has been a decrease to say the least
thanks again eveyone for your comments
In addition to the economic problems in Japan, there is another trend that bodes ill for the Watchtower.
The end of the population explosion and rapid spread of below replacement level births.
Ben Wattenberg wrote an extensive piece on this recently - in which he asserted that the population explosion is rapidly
coming to an end, with Europe losing 700,000 people a year, Russia nearly a million people a year and a small net loss
of total workers reported this year in Japan.
Old people are less inclined to change religions - and may not be in a position to contribute much. Tough luck
for the Watchtower, which is losing young people anyway.
Economy went down so all pioneer sisters had to work as geishas, and got rooted, damn my spelling I meant booted. So numbers plummeted, simple.