Also, the Japanese Co-ordinator at Bethel, Honda, was DF. Perhaps that was a big shock?
What happend to Japan and its explosive Growth??????????????
by JT 32 Replies latest jw friends
Crisis of Conscience was published in the Japanese language.
Funny you should mention, but Ray Franz did mention some stuff with Japan in Crisis of COnscience. When the issues of people feeling overburdened with the Field Service requirements, one of the justifications by Bro. Berry was that "everyone pioneers in Japan it is THE THING TO DO!" Ray then questioned the real motive for pioneering.
This indicates a couple of things,
(1) the reason for pioneering was wrong, it was an appeal to the majority -"If everyone is doing it- then it must be right".
(2) What goes up must come down. Many of us have been in congos that have cycled through varying amounts of zeal. In my wife's congregation back when we were dating and I was at Bethel, all the kids coming of age automatically started pioneering. It was "the thing to do". Today that hall has had several elders DA and all the pioneers have either fallen off or have been DF'd. So I guess this is the same reason as #1.
Maybe... Japan already has enough window washers and janitors?
u/d (of the market driven economics class)