the religion doesnt make sense at all. they believe that adam and eve sinned which resulted in death and human inperfection. but obiviously adam and eve were'nt meant to sin and if they didnt sin and they had obeyed God. death wouldnt have occured and the earth would have got full eventually with people and no one would be able to have any more children. yet reproduction is one of the main attributes of the human body which God designed. any explainations please.
jehovahs witnesses
by user18 23 Replies latest jw friends
There is no explanation. The JW view of life makes absolutely no sense. That's why many of us are ex-JWs. We learned to think and question
the religion doesnt make sense at all. they believe that adam and eve sinned which resulted in death and human inperfection. but obiviously adam and eve were'nt meant to sin and if they didnt sin and they had obeyed God. death wouldnt have occured and the earth would have got full eventually with people and no one would be able to have any more children. yet reproduction is one of the main attributes of the human body which God designed. any explainations please.
You have JWs confused with the Mormons (and probably some other religions) which teach that in order for Adam and Eve to obey the command to multiply and fill the earth they had to disobey God by eating of the Tree of the knowledge of good and bad (that is learn how to have babies by having sex). So were doomed to sin one way or the other.
JWs teach many strange things but not that one.
Blondie Upon closer reading, you mean that if God created Adam and Eve and was smart enough to do that, he couldn't exercise a little birth control? -
I believe there were rumours of building spaceships to populate other planets, once this one was full. All aboard the Golgafrincham B-ark, move along please, plenty of room on top.
This isn't a religion, it's a cleverly-designed business masquerading as a religion for tax purposes that utilizes cult mind control techniques to exploit all those ensnared by its false message of hope. Those who serve on its boards of directors are deserving of being publicly tarred and feathered and then utilized as public urinals.
Now What?
Greetings and welcome to the board!
I interpretted the question differently so my response is a little different from my fellows here (although I do agree with them on what they said )
The commission to Adam & Eve was to fill the earth, not overpopulate it. They were given the power of reproduction to fulfill that role by means of the family principle, rather than God just creating 20 billion people all at once or whatever. After the earth becomes filled, the commission is complete.
The witness still look at this as an unfulfilled commission and teach that after the big A, the original mission will resume to 'fill the earth' with a righteous human 'family'. Fanciful? Yes. But at the elementary level its presented in a way that does make more sense than other religious groups.
Iggy- really? I never heard that. Cool, so we do get to conquer the galaxy. bwahaha
Free will = God's first mistake
so adam and eves offspring would eventually stop having children because the earth is full. how would they know exactly when that time came. a message from God?
If God created the human body, couldn't he just reach out and stop procreation. Humans manage to do it with birth control methods. Why couldn't God do it?
Why would he have to send a message if he could control whether they had children or not. People have sex all the time without having babies, it's called birth control.
If you consider God powerful and intelligent enough to create the human body, certainly he has the power and intelligence to control whether humans will procreate when they have sex.
but humans have free will. even 'perfect' ones. hence adam and eve being tempted by satan the devil. so God would'nt stop reproduction.