jehovahs witnesses

by user18 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    i thought..according to the old testament. god DID control births..he " opened the womb of sarah"

    or "didnt bless " some with children?

  • blondie

    Sounds like you have it all figured out user 18.

  • iggy_the_fish

    Maybe it's self limiting - if the earth becomes sufficiently densely populated, there will come a point where if you want to get low down and dirty with your good lady wife, at least 100 people will be close enough to you to see you at it. And because there's no death any more, you'll be related to most of them somehow. You'd be doing the wild thing in front of your great great grandchildren, which would put you off, hence population stops growing.

    Either that, or the starvation starts killing people off as more and more farmland is given over to residential uses.

    Maybe this is in the new scrolls, along with how to deal with the astronomical quantities of poo generated by the inhabitants of the full earth.


  • Sith

    We all have free will, but we will be murdered by God for using it. Freedom ain't so free

  • Now What?
    Now What?

    but humans have free will

    To a point. Free will is not absolute, it is relative. The boundry is still formed by God's purpose. Hence the later proclamations of laws to the Hebrews.

    hence adam and eve being tempted by satan the devil.

    Sorry don't see the connection. The 'original sin' was an issue of fear and intimidation, not free will. (oops! edited to add: Sorry, you are right in assuming that jw's see the temptation of Adam as a failure of integrity and free will. That's another, seperate blunder of the 'official' jw partyline)

    so God would'nt stop reproduction

    Sorry, I don't see how you arrived at this conclusion. It may sound like I am picking on you or putting you on the spot, but please be assured I am not. I really don't follow how you got here. Sorry

  • user18

    doing the wild thing in front of your great grandchildren? people have privacy in this 'wicked system'. so im sure in a perfect world in paradise people would be able to go behind closed doors and have privacy.

  • iggy_the_fish

    Well it depends on how densely populated the planet becomes, right?


  • Sith

    The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. He's Jehovah, right? He's GOD. We are his children, always his children, never to grow up and be independent and learn to reason and think and make decisions. We are lucky He cares about us.
    Damn, I wish I could learn to love my slave-master...the one who holds the power of life and/or death over my head. Please Jehovah, change my heart.
    Oh wait! I said that prayer for 22 years. What's the chance of it working now?

  • Carmel

    One of the tenants of mental health counceling is "don't try to rationalize with the irrational" ! If you do, you'll become as nuts as the fruitcakes!


  • kazar

    Hi User18 and welcome to the board. To the question you asked:

    What you have posted is what I was told. This subject came up at a book study and there were the same questions. We were told

    1. The sin of Adam and Eve was disobedience in eating of the tree knowledge of good and bad, not carnal knowledge since they were given the proclamation to fill the earth.

    2. That if Adam and Eve had been obedient and not eaten of the fruit, all inhabitants of the earth would be perfect and be still living. (so if that were true, would we all be here?).

    3. That eventually the powers of reproduction would cease when the earth became full. How this would be accomplished we weren't told. We were told not to speculate and run ahead of Jehovah.

    The subject came up over a period of ten years. Maybe the teachings have changed since the last I heard, about two years ago. By the way Iggy, I got a lot of laughs from your post.


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