Hello folks,
When I started to have serious doubts about Witnessdom a few years ago I embarked on an investigation which catapulted me into, what I have come to call, the "ecstasy of insight" and the "agony of doubt." I remember going to an out-of-the-way library one morning to read Crisis of Conscience. The day went by the way half-an-hour normally goes by. Before I knew it, I had read almost the entire book in one long sitting. My life changed that day, as it changed on dozens of other days in the fifteen months of research it took for me to finally, and rather abruptly, leave the organizition. As one question got answered three more would appear. 1914 was demolished, but what about the trinity? Evolution? The dates of composition of the Bible books? It's as if I flipped one switch in my worldview and had to analyze everything over.
It was ecstasy to say the least. Time-honored beliefs that stood like Everest crumbled in just a few sittings. Finding the "truth about the truth" (which has become an unfortunate cliche!) became an obsession. A healthy one, perhaps, but an obsession nonetheless.
Perhaps I'm unusual, but sometimes I miss the "pleasure of finding things out." Of course, I still find out new things all the time. Lately I've been fascinated by the classical philosophers, most notably Plato. But it's not quite the same. All the changes I have made in my worldview over the last couple of years have been gradual, and will no doubt continue to be.Sometimes I miss the ecstasy of insight; the rapid replacement of cherished ideas in the mind.