Do you ever miss the ecstasy?

by logansrun 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Frankiespeakin, I also felt rage, hurt, bewilderment, sadness, etc. I didn't feel the ecstasy part till way later as I didn't trust. Then the shit hit the fan all over again when I researched the origin of the bible canon and books that dealth with the sceptical side.

    Megadude.....nice summary. I'd like to maybe read that book Just2laws recommended. " No proof for a certainty, but enough to have faith". I like that one

    Sixer, whatcha mean there are no frontiers to experience in this life? Just wait till one of these shuttles discover there is life all over the galaxy.....and they all look just like you!


  • frankiespeakin


    ecstasy i have never experienced. just questions and more questions.

    Could questions lead you to ecstasy? Perhaps when all questions seeking to be asked cease that's when you get ecstasy.

  • nowisee

    frankie --

    well that'll be the day!!

  • G Money
    G Money

    I don't miss it, I went to a rave last night and got home at 12.30pm!

  • PaulJ

    Its interesting to read how you ex-jw 'old guys' feel! I left 2 years ago, but I have only recently started to research stuff- Ive read a lot on this and other sites and I finished reading CoC last week.

    Maybe Im different tho. I've learnt a lot, but I happy to plod on and learn more as I go on. I know there are all kinds of in-depth JW beliefs/prophesies that are being disproven, but right now im not interested in that so much.

    I guess Im happy to soak up the information as it comes to me, as opposed to chasing it, if that makes sense. I guess we are all different, but maybe this way the 'ecstasy' will last longer as it takes me longer to learn and discover things.


    PS I take back the 'old guys' comment

  • katiekitten

    I never miss the ecstacy. We weren't allowed to take drugs at our cong.

    Maybe mogadons - do they count?

  • diamondblue1974
    I have a voracious appetite for knowledge now, as if I have to keep learning.

    I completely concur with this...I am the same...since leaving the Borg the need to continue learning (in whatever subject) is sometimes all consuming and I find myself now more engaging with people...and seeking out for more opportunities to learn more about life, and the world we live in.

    My experience has shown the Borg stamps all over peoples need to learn (unless of course its learning about the WTBTS) and even takes the ballsy step of demonizing further education....think how many times did they say from the platform....'an education in satans system...or satans world' or something with equal negative connotations.

    My personal ecstacy was being free of this...its still here...its like one huge trip...without the come down.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    When I first left I would get up early in the morning before my wife did and read everything I could on the Watchtower Society. I had already make it clear to everyone that I was out but didn't want to upset my wife so I wouldn't look at that type of material while she was around. I then expanded to reading anything else that struck my fancy. I felt like a kid in a candy shop being able to read anything on any subject without having to worry about whether it was proper for me to do so.

    I read somewhere that prisoners of war think mostly of food that is why many of them binge on food and get fat once they have been release. I think many witnesses feel intellectually starved so once they get out they tend to binge on knowledge.

    I think back with fond memories of my escape. I don't t think I will ever get the high I felt over leaving the Watchtower again. To do so I would have to get involve in something just as oppressive and then escape from it. Tooooo much trouble!

    MegaDude expressed much of how I feel very well.

  • RichieRich

    I still haven't peaked.

    I've been low, but not on the bottom.

    Here's to always going up.

  • greendawn

    Breaking the jw obstruction does release a lot of energy that can be put into a successful adaptation to life, and by helping other persons with this cult busting knowledge the sense of euphoria can continue.

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