Penetrating the GB's deceptive facade of christian love.

by greendawn 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    The GB of the JWs either directly or more often by implication consistently try to come across as people that deeply care about and love the so called truth, jehovah, and all the brotherhood.

    This is however a pretence something totally artificial and out of their character as they are in fact deeply into practicing deceit and exploiting the "brotherhood".

    What instances can you recall where you managed to see through that deceptive loving persona the face of the rapacious ruthless wolf underneath?

    Of the "exposing the pious and loving religious leaders as cold blooded businessmen" class.

  • logansrun

    Define "love."


  • jeanniebeanz

    Hi, B.

    Why don't you take a crack at it first... lol


  • logansrun

    There are many definitions of "love" and I chose to ask the author what their definition was since, by implication, they are saying that the GB are not loving.

    In my opinion most people have a very naive view of love. They view it as an all-emcompassing feeling and/or action that is totally pure, selfless and enlightened. I think that that's a tall order for anyone to live up to.

    What is also neglected is that humans are multimotivational. That is, we often have different, sometimes conflicting, motivations for our actions. Someone can have a sense of "love" for another while, at the same time, be promoting their own agenda. If I say to my mate that I love her am I so naive as to think I don't have a somewhat selfish stake in the matter? Of course I do.

    I've had no personal dealings with any of the GB members. But, as to the organization they are in charge of, I have much experience (as has most everyone here). I see what some call the "unloving" practices of JWs --DFing, the blood issue, etc. -- as actually having some sense of love behind them, misguided as that love might be. Remember, that humans are multimotivational. Is the DFing policy just out of "love" for the sinner (ie, to awaken them to their senses, "tough love") or is it to "keep the congregation clean"? Or, in the case of someone like Ray Franz, is it to protect the Watchtower's ass? Many factors play in. I can't say they are totally "unloving."


  • frankiespeakin


    I think you are being a little anal, it is clear from the context of his use of the word love means. There are many diffentent definitions of love there is no absolute definition, because that is the way human concept are. Love is only a concept or rather a whole group of concepts some of them very contradictory.

  • frankiespeakin

    For instance I could say the whole universe is made of pure awesome love it is this tremendous pure force of love that brought everything into existence, this love is pure and has no distinction between anything every thing is loved the same purely for the greatest possible good.

    That would be a very mystical type of love that the thought mind would not have access to. And so no human concept either just a hazy fuzzy thing the mind can not rap itself around.

  • bother_forever

    Never knew any GB, but dont get me started on elders, ms, pioneers, CO, DO, or basically any of the other "equal" bro & sis. As the song goes, "take the L out of lover, and its over" (showing my age).

    Peace and Agape man!

  • sass_my_frass

    Only my experience; the brutality of being disfellowshipped... the moment at which, in the committee meeting, they stop being warm and kind, good listeners... and delivered the news of what their judgment is. The sun went out, the ground gave way, my blood ran cold... yeah I didn't feel loved at that time.

  • greendawn

    For me it was their absolute refusal to admit any of the annointed into the inner circle and let everyone's ideas interact, I saw that as a usurpation of power by a bunch of power lusting individuals that coveted everyone's rights and the elders, CO's, branch overseers etc were guilty for aiding and abetting the GB in this conspiracy.

    From then on they could not possibly be a well meaning leadership. Surely many of those thousands of annointed, have to be as much spirit inspired and directed as the GB supposedly are.

  • Hellrider

    That would be in 1989. My first steps to freedom was after my father died in -86, then there was some back-and-forth-stuff, but after my grandmothers funeral in -89, I was done. She was a JW, and the service was held at KH. I hadn`t been there for over a year, had grown my hair long in that time, and cut it off just for the sake of that funeral. Then I got there, and this one elder, one whom I had never in my life talked to, came over to me, hugged me really hard, and kissed me on the cheek (!!!) and said "oh, I`m so glad you`re back here with us". I was 17 years old, and what went thru my mind at that moment was the word "Judas". Here`s a guy whom with I`ve almost never even spoken, comes over to me and hugs me and kisses me on the cheek like I was a long lost brother. Ridicolous, and I saw thru it right away, there was no "love" there, not for me as a person,it was just the satisfaction of sucking me back into the misery of the sect, just like everyone else. And I knew then and there that that was it, I`d never go back after that. And I didn`t.

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