Once you start focusing on the Governing Body instead of the WT corporation you can better see the facade.
They are very heavily into being jugdemental towards everything, and anything,, towards other religions towards,,, people who leave the organization,,, they ecourage lying to the public,,, look at Ted jarazc's comment to the reporter about child abuse coverups. He responded in a very unchristian and unloveing way to this womens sincere inquirey, by giving a shitty, snotty answer, not something a genuine would give mind you. There was no hint of love or concern for these victims, only contempt could he express, as was very evident in the video.
NO Christian Love,
The Governing Body is deviod of christian love, and any love they express is a sham, it is only empty words, and it is getting planner for all to see accept of course the geriatric Governing Body. Too set in thier ways perhaps to even notice how rediculas the WT articles in thier constant harping on thier position of FDS are, and too set in thier focus to notice how blatantly they have required strict obediance from the flock and how this is really causing many friends to snap out of the fog they have been in.
I think everything is becoming clearer and clearer into view and that is,, the GB collectively are sociopathic,, they have only the appeance of love, they use the word alot in thier publications but they themselves have no idea what love is nor do they want to know.