Penetrating the GB's deceptive facade of christian love.

by greendawn 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Once you start focusing on the Governing Body instead of the WT corporation you can better see the facade.

    They are very heavily into being jugdemental towards everything, and anything,, towards other religions towards,,, people who leave the organization,,, they ecourage lying to the public,,, look at Ted jarazc's comment to the reporter about child abuse coverups. He responded in a very unchristian and unloveing way to this womens sincere inquirey, by giving a shitty, snotty answer, not something a genuine would give mind you. There was no hint of love or concern for these victims, only contempt could he express, as was very evident in the video.

    NO Christian Love,

    The Governing Body is deviod of christian love, and any love they express is a sham, it is only empty words, and it is getting planner for all to see accept of course the geriatric Governing Body. Too set in thier ways perhaps to even notice how rediculas the WT articles in thier constant harping on thier position of FDS are, and too set in thier focus to notice how blatantly they have required strict obediance from the flock and how this is really causing many friends to snap out of the fog they have been in.

    I think everything is becoming clearer and clearer into view and that is,, the GB collectively are sociopathic,, they have only the appeance of love, they use the word alot in thier publications but they themselves have no idea what love is nor do they want to know.

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    One of the big ideas they have is the thing they call "Agape - Love" (from the Greek). In plain English, it means "Principled Love".

    This is in serious contrast with "Eros - Love" (from the Greek), which is called "Romantic Love".

    The love between a husband and wife is, for the most part "Eros". But JW's are supposed to show love primarily on the basis of "Agape". What does that mean?

    Well, if you do something wrong or bad, then the Elders are supposed to correct you and counsel you out of Agape Love. And if you do not repent, then they must punish you, even disfellowship you, which they also see as Agape Love. They think that if they give you the ultimate punishment- DF, that this will cause you to see the error of your ways, and motivate you to repent and come back into the fold.

    When I was married, I loved my wife deeply, and at the start, the feelings were quite mutual. This was Eros at its best. But then, I converted to Mormonism, and suddenly we were living in a spiritually divided home. Since I was DF'ed, my wife could no longer discuss anything that had to do with matters spiritual, even if it had to do with how we wanted to raise our three lovely daughters.

    For the first six months in this state, my wife used to tell me "I cannot love someone who does not love Jehovah." I tried to convince her that I did not love God less than her. It's just that what I believed about God was different than the JW version. Of course, that fell on deaf ears. I wrote away to the WTBTS headquarters in Toronto, Ontario stating my wife's position, and then asking them if it was OK for her wife to love her husband, even if I was disfellowshipped. It took them six months to answer my letter, but they did say that they understood how my wife felt, but that scripturally speaking, she was still required to show love towards her husband. When I showed my wife the letter, she did not dispute it. On the other hand, she then began to tell me how she would "give her husband his due", but everything she did would be done on the basis of Agape, not Eros.

    After years of living like this, one thing became quite evident. Agape is very, very COLD and INDIFFERENT and IMPERSONAL. In my opinion, it is all a facade and an excuse, and even amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. This is what I see as the "GB's deceptive fraud of christian love", as stated in the title of this thread.

    Rod P.

  • greendawn

    A bethel boy once described the GB "as cold hearted businessmen going about their daily work" it is obvious enough that they are lusting for power and where the will to power predominates love evaporates.

    Their major concern is how to maintain their status, the 10 of the GB completely ignore the 7790 "annointed" that they are leading (and with whose permission?), they absolutely resent the idea of sharing power with them so it's a power grab for sure.

  • greendawn

    The lack of charity work by this multi billion dollar business is also revealing on the nature of its leadership, we are not a charity they say but they refuse to help even those that served them loyally, when they come to need some assistance.

  • Sunspot

    ***look at Ted jarazc's comment to the reporter about child abuse coverups. He responded in a very unchristian and unloveing way to this womens sincere inquirey, by giving a shitty, snotty answer, not something a genuine would give mind you. There was no hint of love or concern for these victims, only contempt could he express, as was very evident in the video.

    Frankie, I couldn't agree with you more! We were often told that we (as JWs) were a spectacle to the world and that we need to conduct ourselves accordingly despite what "the world" throws at us. Cool, calm and Christlike. TJ was hardly that.

    In some way, his true colors showed through and this allowed US (now XJWs) to see his stuff and what a chameleon he really IS. The "turn-on-the-charm-and phony-warmth" button hadn't been pushed quickly enough that day. It's a good thing!

    Any "love" of the GB/WTS is purely self-servng and obviously not the love of Christ for his sheep.


  • greendawn

    That was a very good point Annie, old Ted did us a favour by showing his deeply seated christian love so publicly, actually I always wondered why they don't really crack down on the child abusers is it because some of the GB or other big cheeses in Brooklyn are inclined in that way, like Chapman, Greenlees and Chitty were?

  • greendawn

    Why did the GB join forces with what they call Babylon the great in order to fight the government over tax issues? Because what really touches a raw nerve with them is the issue of money and profit, why not pay some money to the state?

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