I'm going to JW Hell, I'm going to die.....

by riotgirlpeeps 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • riotgirlpeeps

    But aren't we all. I thought this would be kind of fun to do is list some of the offenses that I have committed according to witness beliefs. I thought it might be mildly amusing considering the lack of emphasis that any of these things are wrong according to the majority of the population. I'll limit myself to ten. Please feel free to share yours.

    1.I left state and congregation at 18 and lived with a male roomie, we did not "sleep together", but split the bills.

    2.I have gone into casinos, and gambled, and won.

    3.I have never dated a witness boy, even when attempting to be a witness I found them dull.

    4.I have smoked cigarettes, and found I like an occasional clove.

    5.I have had houseguests of the opposite and same sex, none of whom were married, sleeping over at the same time.

    6.I lost my keys rolling down a hill while drunk.

    7.I did not admit the actual number of individuals I have slept with to my jc.

    8.I heavily edited the information given to my jc.

    9.I married, then divorced a non witness, even though he would have stayed married to me had I wanted it.

    10. I watched several R movies over at an elder's daughters house.

    Feel free to add your "sins"

  • PaulJ

    I occasionally say ****, sometimes ******* and quite like the word ********. I rarely say **** unless it part of a joke (Why does Noddy wear a blue hat with a bell on it? Because he is a ****). ****sounds a bit lame, but add an 'e' and it turns into *****, which is much better.

  • joannadandy

    Yeah I was actually present for 10 and 6, and totally hear ya on #3. Could never see myself as a plumbers wife - not that there's anything wrong with that, but I could read past an 8th grade level - something I don't think most of the boys in our hall could.

  • greendawn

    Went to religious services of other churches, celebrate Christmas/Easter and Birthdays, had girlfriends, vote, accuse the FDS.

  • riotgirlpeeps

    LOL@Joannadandy, yes you were there. Maybe for fond memories I should put a welcome mat below one of the windows at my place.

    Ohhhhh I know it's going over 10, but since I'm already going to witness hell.

    11. I have done several ouija boards, there are a few in my house at this moment.

    12. I own and use a deck of tarot cards.

    13. I have had premarital sex, and enjoyed it, thoroughly.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    14:I enjoyed porneia whilst pioneering...and it didnt affect my conscience at all.

  • mtbatoon

    Celebrate X-Mas and Easter though Easter not as much because I'm not too keen on chocolate.

    Had pre marital sex in many unproscribed positions which resulted in bastard offspring (I actually refer to them as my little princesses)

    Love eating the yummy yummy blood sausage.

    Take recreational drugs but shun excessive alcohol.

  • DannyBloem

    Do we have t confess our sins now here


    1) being drunk together with an elder.

    2) celebrating boeddist holydays, and making sacrefices to boeddha

    3) lying about my field service report

    4) having wrong kinds of sex (wrong according to WTS)

    5) Gambling

    6) making use of prostitutes

    7) Apostacy of course

    8) Trying to contact satan

    9) Having more then one girlfriend sleeping over

    10) lying to the elders about almost everything above

    11) Smoking marihuana

    Well that is basically it I think. Do I get df-ed now?

  • riotgirlpeeps

    I was trying to limit the number of offenses I committed. Speaking of confessions though, ironic isn't it how judicial meetings can be used as typical catholic confession truly.

    Opps I slept with another guy.

    Elders I'm sincerely sorry.


    Recovery of status.

    "sin" again.

    Oh no, but it's different cause it's the "truth"

  • joannadandy

    Hmm...so are we going to be doing a Ouija and Tarrot reading cocktail hour anytime soon - of course catered by scantily clad worldy boys, and while smoking from a Hokah and wearing purple?

    I feel so Babylonian.

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