Yesterday, a woman who identified herself as 'Christian' told me that she had been faith healed of an illness. I asked her what it was and she said 'diabetes'. I asked which type she had. She said, "I don't know which type it was."
I expressed my surprise that she could have such a serious illness and not remember what the doctor had told her it was. I also asked if she had to take shots or if a combination of pills and diet had controlled it. She said that she had never been to a doctor, but a preacher in her church, United Pentecostal, had called her out of the congregation and after praying for her had rid her of her diabetes. She didn't even know she had it, and 'was so thankful to the Lord that she had been healed in time'.
I didn't have the heart, or the bad manners, to point out her flawed thinking. However, this is the same type of blind faith that the witnesses have in the FDS theory. I guess they do not have the market cornered on gullibility...
I'm dying here...