One more Gilead goodie...pick out your post-Armageddon home now!

by sir82 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    And one more nice little snippet from our current Gilead student, unaware of what a star he has become...

    ...In 2 Chron 20 Jehoshaphat represents Jesus, Moab the big business
    elements, Ammon the political elements, and Edom or Seir is Christendom.
    In verses 22 - 26 we have a prophetic drama with the political elements
    and big business supporting each other to destroy Christendom and the
    rest of Babylon the Great. Then the two elements are destroyed.
    Armageddon survivors than survey the battle and take the physical and
    spiritual spoils. Then in verse 30, the 1000 yr reign is one of peace....

    So, if you've got your eye on that nice little 8000 sq. foot mansion on the hill, but can't make the mortgage payments on your Walmart salary? Not to worry! You'll get the pick of the litter once all those pesky current inhabitants are removed.

    Hey, maybe there's some jewelry left behind in the dresser drawers...I've always wanted a mink coat...I wonder if there's enough gasoline left to take the Mercedes out for a quick spin...

  • greendawn

    They are long since lost in their delusions and getting worse not better, should there be an Armageddon they will not survive it any more than the rest of the world.

  • Sith

    I haven't thoroughly read them through, but I'm assuming you are posting a JW's emails?

  • sir82


    Yes, a current JW who is attending the current class of Gilead. He sends updates on the things he learns in class to a variety of people, & one of those people forwards it to me.

  • coffee_black

    I remember as a teenager going door to door...we'd be checking out the best houses saying we would pick out one as our own after Armageddon..

    Coffee...... of the ashamed I used to be like that class

  • jeanniebeanz

    This makes me so mad. I used to become very irritated with the 'sisters' who did this in field ministry. Once, I offered to drive them back to the KH if they didn't stop dancing on peoples graves verbally. they were insulted but silent after that.

    Horrible outlook from these people is almost bloodthirsty.

  • luna2

    Good for you, Jeannie! I wish I'd had the guts to say that. It only happened a few times back in my IL congregation...don't recall it happening here in CT. Of course, I didn't go out in service as much once I moved here either, so maybe I just missed those service days that turned into ghoul fests. Disgusting.

  • Sith

    I know I'm supposed to be shocked and/or amused by these entries. Under different circumstances, I probably would be.
    Does the originator of these emails know they are being put on display here for entertainment purposes?

  • Momofmany

    When we moved this year, we bought a bigger house. We looked for a five bedroom house. One for my mom, one for me, one for my only daughter, and two for the boys to split. (three in one, two in another) My Mom was asked if she was putting her hopes in this system, and wouldn't it be better to wait on Jehovah. In the new system she could get the house she wants, and wont have to put herself in debt to get it. We moved anyway. (she didn't have much say in the matter, but she was on my side for this one.)

  • candidlynuts

    back in the 80s.....we were told everything was gonna be bulldozed and we'd have to build!
    dang now they say we can pick one out?

    i pick TARA! (please tell me theres a real tara from gone with the wind lol)

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