All I can remember is all the razing to the ground we were going to do. I never thought past that to barn raising! I guess I imagined we would all live in identical not too big not too small houses - maybe I was thinking of a kibbutz.
One more Gilead goodie...pick out your post-Armageddon home now!
by sir82 13 Replies latest jw friends
So, if you've got your eye on that nice little 8000 sq. foot mansion on the hill, but can't make the mortgage payments on your Walmart salary? Not to worry! You'll get the pick of the litter once all those pesky current inhabitants are removed.
Shamefully shaking head.......
when I was a freshly dunked hardcore dub, me and the wife used to actually comtemplate actions such as this while out getting serviced by the WT in service spreading the "good news".
I think back and can't believe how deluded I was.
I used to become very irritated with the 'sisters' who did this in field ministry.
Wish I had someone like you to yank me back into reality when I was going d2d.
In my day, this type of attitude was standard fare.
I always asked who was going to clean those mansions. They said they would hire a maid. I asked who would she hire; since it was a paradise for everyone. Cleaning her house wasn't my idea of paradise.