Just curious...."service, and gas money"

by riotgirlpeeps 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    Are you saying there are cheapskates among JWs?

    It depends, some gave money (usually older sisters who didn't drive--$1 usually or single mothers)

    In cases of pioneering, those with cars traded off days, e.g., I drove on Thursdays, another sister on Wednesdays.

    I can remember the CO reaming out the audience at an assembly about making the pioneers use their cars on Saturdays rather than the richer brothers and sisters using their Cadillacs and Lexuses. Seems they didn't want to wrack up excess miles or wear and tear on their vehicles. Better to use the older cars of the pioneers.

    I knew a few pioneers that kept mileage logs for tax purposes, but the average JW spent so little time in the ministry that it was a waste of time.


  • RichieRich

    I don't drive out in service.

    My car gets 23 miles per gallon.

    Gas costs about 2.20 here, now.

    When you drive out in service, you do at least 100 miles.

    That means it costs me 8.80 to drive you around out in service.

    Instead of splitting that up, people in my cong like to bury a dollar bill in the back of the seat, or somewhere where you don't find it fro 2 weeks.

  • DannyBloem

    For the field service this is very uncommon here.

    For going to a convention or somewhere more far, mostly people split it fairly.

  • diamondblue1974
    Instead of splitting that up, people in my cong like to bury a dollar bill in the back of the seat, or somewhere where you don't find it fro 2 weeks.

    One guy who used to drive to field service used to ask for a contribution towards petrol and quite right too...he used to say that the ashtray was his collection tin for petrol money...he was hardfaced...I knew there was something I liked about him.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Man, it's been so long since I've been out in service!!

    I remember when I was younger, during the building of the bethel here we had a lot of poor bethelites that took their cars in service. My mom ususally gave me gas money for them, and I know others usually gave some money, but our territory was almost all rural, and there was a lot of driving to do. I'm not so sure people give much in the city, where it's a short drive to the territory.


  • mrsjones5

    Cant even write the expense off on your taxes. I'm sure some poor hard up jdub could use the deduction of .32 a mile.


  • kwintestal

    I thought that it was funny one snowy days when I drove my gas guzzling SUV out in FS instead of driving 2 "sister's" BMW and Caddie. I would spend $15 driving them around "in rural territory and they would give me $1 each. I thought that was a bit of an insult, especially as I was struggling to make ends meet with small kids, and they were both quite weathy.


  • Dragonlady76

    I don't remember pioneers getting any $ for driving people around in FS.

    Growing up my folks were poor, we didn't have a car reliable enough for long trips so they would arrange for a ride to the assemblies and conventions with someone from the kh, my parents always paid them well, and were outwardly very appreciative.

    I will say that my parents get used a lot now, they have a decent car and they are friendly with about 2 very poor couples that have no transportation, so my parents always end up driving them to meetings, FS, assemblies and conventions. They also call on my dad whenever they need to go somewhere like a Dr's visit etc... These couples have NEVER given my parents a penny for gas mileage. My dad recently griped about that, citing the price of gas.


  • blondie

    With some JWs, you have to ask. I know, I know, they should volunteer. But some think you don't need the money or you would ask for it. Or some say they are afraid of offending by offering (lame but some think that way).

    I would ask, especially when I was regular pioneering. I never had anybody say they couldn't pay. Most were glad I asked.

    So the parents should ask for at least a small amount to train them right. Bethelites who ride with other Bethelites are expected to pay out of the travel allowance..


  • lawrence

    I remember days of pioneering when all the working brothers and sisters would pile in my station wagon for weekend F.S. and never offer a dime. So, I started asking before we left - "BTW, we're on empty, who has some money for gas, change or bills." I would then go to the gas station, and we were off.

    What a mess left behind - always.

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