Can you recall instances where your jw family or friends tried to blackmail you in one way or other to stay in the witchtower after you decided to leave it?
JW blackmailing
by greendawn 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
I certainly know many non-Witness relatives who used dubious tactics to try to get family members out of the movement.
Can you recall instances where your jw family or friends tried to blackmail you in one way or other to stay in the witchtower after you decided to leave it?
Yeah they kept saying that I would never see my grandmother again if i didnt stay a JW...they also told me that I was going to die if I didnt go to the meetings...if that isnt blackmail I dont know what is.
Sure, lots.
"You cannot be in your sister's wedding party."
"We will not attend your wedding."
"You cannot live in my house."
Four generations of my entire family (with the exception of PennyCandy ) have informed me that unless I renounce everything I believe in and join their religion, they will have nothing to do with me and will shun me.
They honestly did a lot more of that to me when I was still in. I was marked for a while, and they would tell me how I couldn't go to any JW gatherings but they would still use all the guilt trips about eternal death and unforgivable sins to keep me going to the meetings. Also when they wanted you to do something like cleaning the bathrooms, they would tell you in order to get any priveledges you had to start small. It was always guilt, fear, and intimidation. Then one day my dark side finally surfaced, and I told them all to go to hell. Haven't heard anything from them since I DA'd.
My mother tried to blackmail me but it didnt work
My ex-wife assured me for years that if I ever left the JWs she would leave me. And she finally did. She filed for divorce, fully expecting (I believe) that I would come running back to the KH to keep the marriage together. But by then I had had enough of her insanity and abuse, and nothing was going to get me back to the organization. Now, four years after the divorce, I am happily married to my high school sweetheart (whom I had left behind to become a JW) and my ex is alone (even though she always assured me she could have any man she wanted). But if you do have a friend she could marry, let me know, because the alimony is killing me (and yet, it's worth every penny).
My brother told me some time ago that if I didn't "get it together," meaning meeting attendance, that he "didn't know how much longer we could continue to talk."
Nice. really motivating.
When my family finally discovers my position regarding the WTS I'm sure they will resort to some of the things you've all experienced. But I recall that when I was seventeen--and my mother was insisting I be baptized--she resorted to an interesting sort of threat. In the early eighties JWs in good standing did not usually "go to college," but instead they might "take some classes." There had been some discussion of my "taking classes" at a community college, but my mother assured me that if I didn't get baptized she and my father would definitely not pay for them.