I also agree that the Moslem religion is not spiritually wholesome, it is in fact a watered down version of judeo-christianity that Mohammed concocted by taking his sources from these religions and then claiming, much like Rutherford, that they were revealed to him by angels. The Moslems expanded from Arabia by sheer aggression and bloodshed very much unlike early Christianity.
Nowadays they have no democracy and cling to middle age practices.
Feeling really sad and worried
by Sad emo 29 Replies latest jw friends
I tell you, I have never seen a bus empty so fast, even other asian people were getting off.
I was trying not to stereotype asian people but there was no way I was staying on that bus.
Ellie I don't really blame you. Every time there is a loud bang outside my office I duck - its ridiculous. There is a big difference between being Vigilant and Vigilanteeism.
I'd like to say I'm not afraid, but I am a bit, less so now that it appears that they have caught the culprits, albeit dead. My first thought though was: so they found documents belonging to 3 of the men at the site of the tube explosions and bits of man number 4 from the bus embedded in the buildings around Tavistock Sqaure. They haven't verified DNA on body parts of the men at the tube - what if these guys just left their ID on the train the same as the bombs so that they could get the "credit" from Al-Qaeda or whichever terrorist organisation they were acting on behalf of for their atrocity but are actually still alive. Its a scary thought! And how could a man with a baby of 8 months go and do something like this - leaving a terrible heritage for his little girl to grow up with?
Ah its all too much to take in.
Sad emmo: I read a letter a friend of mine in London sent all of us, very sad that your country full of history is going through this pain. He said that on any given day you can feel the energy of London, it's alive and happening - I've visited a couple of times and truly loved it. He now says that it's kinda sureal walking through the streets of London, almost asif that energy has been sapped.
On that thursday I was so shocked....I've got family & friends living in London & some of them work in the areas targeted - It was absolutely horried when we couldn't get hold of them.
What irks me is that a few men have now brought such negativity onto a nation. Not all muslims are like that, not all want to bring down Jews & christians....
But your country is strong and proud & will lift itself up. And I'll be visiting in March, so they haven't dampered my love of it.
Its so very difficult. People are angry. But i was really impressed with some of the announcements the Muslim leaders made, denouncing the bombers, regardless of their professed religion. I think its a shame that people dont see that side of things, they just blame anyone with dark skin.
Sad emo
Thanks for your support and replies guys. I would have just been sat around stewing about this for days and getting more wound up if it wasn't for jwd!
ordinary men who were mainly born and bred here with families who were popular and well liked in their communities.
I think that's whats so frightening and maybe the cause of my confusion - even the muslim community didn't realise it was 'their own' - or did they?? I keep looking back to my Islamic Studies course now, they were a lovely, welcoming bunch of people, but I'm thinking 'what if...?' I wonder if they would have been taught a different version of Islam had I not been there? (I was the only non muslim in attendance) Maybe more along the lines that Mary posted ?(I will check out those verses when I get home) So many questions and 'what ifs' - guess I should concentrate more on reality than speculation!
Nevertheless, I think I'll follow crumpet's advice and try to offer my bit of peace by smiling or saying salaam aleikum to any muslims I meet over the next few days and weeks.
Sad Emo,
So sorry you feel this way....you are in our prayers and while I agree with all of the above.....I don't care or agree with Mary's tone of voice (typing, whatever). It seems to me we've all come out of one group of judgmental bigots and we don't need to keep that attitude. I agree with the comment "be vigilant not vigilante's".
Mary simply quoted from the Quran, the Muslim holy book itself. There are many more quotes that could have been posted. An excellent site is www.prophetofdoom.net, which some might feel is anti-Muslim - except that all it contains are quotes from the Quran, and in context!!!
It's a great thing to treat minorities with respect, making them feel welcome and understanding that the vast majority are not terrorists and do not support it. However, anyone who says that Islam is a religion of peace has never read the Quran with an open mind.
Will the Muslims disobey their spiritual leaders if they tell them to kill the infidels? If the suicide bombers didn't believe the Muslim's religion would they kill themselves? They expect to be rewarded with heavenly life. Will the ordinary Muslims disobey their sacred book and love the infidels?
The only difference between them and Christains is the Christains wait on God to kill the infidels. If the Muslims did this we would have nothing to worry about.
Ken P.
Carol said: I don't care or agree with Mary's tone of voice (typing, whatever). It seems to me we've all come out of one group of judgmental bigots and we don't need to keep that attitude.
Sorry you feel that way, but that's my viewpoint. It seems to me that because we came out of one religious group that didn't tolerate anything, that some now feel that we have to tolerate everything----even another religion that breeds terrorists. Sorry, that doesn't wash with me. Islam is, in my opinion, a very destructive and dangerous religion as we've seen over and over again, and I have no hesitation whatsoever in saying so----even at the chance of my being seen as "politically incorrect." I didn't make anything up, I quoted directly from Islam's "holy book" showing where these lunatics get their ideas from.
Go Mary!
u/d (of the not PC, call it like it is class too)