To Hilary-Step & Maximus:
Hi to both of you. I've enjoyed both of your comments on this thread and must agree wholeheartedly.
To add to what has already been said, please consider the following.
Under the leadership of the WTS and G.B., we must ask, are we a "Good Samaritan"-Organization of people... a "Merciful" Organization of People?
Have we been "trained" to help "worldly people" -- to be "merciful" toward those OUTSIDE our organization?
If we see, rape, robbery, even murder, serious crimes committed...are we taught to render aid or assistance to the innocent who all to often become the "victims" in these cases? Are we taught that this act of "bravery" on our parts would be possibly "foolhardy"? Or, would our acts of intervention, be considered a "christian" thing to do, in line with the teaching of the "Good Samaritan", which?
Isn't it true, all along, we've been taught to NOT "get involved"...since these are simply "worldly people"...who are going to be destroyed anyway?
As reported by the 1990 Awake magazine as mentioned above, simply put, this article illustrates the WTS' true position on "christian-involvement" of these horrible crimes committed by "worldly people" upon other "worldly people." To the WTS, actually...the so-called "brother" learned something didn't he...he learned to stop his bad association with worldly people...that was the point of the article, wasn't it? And that's all the WTS is interested in. This is the WTS' position. This is the official position of ALL JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES WORLDWIDE, since the WTS speaks in behalf of all JWs worldwide. And if you don't like...then leave the organization...that's their official position. They are not going to change either.
THE WTS' OFFICIAL POSITION: So what the woman was "raped," assaulted, violated, and you (a "christian" brother) could have helped or maybe prevented what? To us, the WTS, she's a worthless "worldly person" who is probably guilty of slamming the door in our faces when we visited her with the "Christian" message in the first place, during our "christian" door-to-door work. Jesus is scheduled to "destroy" her anyway, at "Armageddon." So, why "get involved"?
Isn't that they way we were taught to look at such situations, by our llustrious leaders? Thus, we are taught no HUMAN COMPASSION AT ALL. Isn't that true?
So, the "Good Samaritan" teaching, then, means nothing to Jehovah's Witnesses and the WTS, and its reality. Isn't that true?
Isn't this what we have been taught?
We have to ask ourselves, are we taught by the WTS & G.B., if you see a "worldly person" needing help, ... to help or assist them in anyway we can? ... in our local communities, worldly people needing food, shelter, clothing... are we "trained" to help by the WTS? Are we advised to "spend our resources" that way, by the WTS?
Or, is it better "spent" by sending all monies, gifts, assets, specifying in our Wills, that all our properties, lands, jewelry, even the "pet" -- should go to the WTS, who will in turn use it to erect or build great physical edifices like the "Patterson-Estate"...a $180 million-dollar facility, with over $50 million in "materials" alone (not counting time, man-hours and labor) on something truly pleasing to Jehovah and Jesus. Truly more important, spiritual endeavors...right?
The money so badly mis-appropriated that they have to print books with no hard covers anymore, and possibly stagnating the "preaching" work in Europe and other places around the world.
Is God's Spirit directing the organization to do this...This "spirit-directed" organization?
Are we taught,
If you see a "worldly person" drowning in the water, as a "christian" you are duty-bound to ...
(a) either physically dive in and try to save the person's life, (in other words "put yourself at risk" to save another life even though he not a spiritual brother)....
(b) or, if you know you can't swim and you are not able to "dive in"
... then throw them a line,
(c) or, (80-year old grandmothers can) scream and call for help...
All of the above are "Good Samaritan" Acts, each act based upon ones "ability" to help someone in distress. Real "Christian Acts."
Are we "trained" to assist the poor, indigent within our communities or townships.
Or, are we told, they are simply "worldly people," who need us to "preach" to them only, and they are "bad association" beyond that point.
Is this what Jesus taught?
Are we truly, a "christian organization" based upon what Jesus taught about the "NEIGHBORLY Good Samaritan."
"New a certain teacher of the Law got up to put Him to a thorough test He asked, Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? ...who is my neighbor?"
"Jesus said A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers, who stripped and pummeled him and ran off, leaving him half dead. Coincidentally, a certain priest was coming down that road and, seeing him, passed onthe other side. In the same way, a Levite arrived at the spot, and passed on the other side."
"Then, a certain Samaritan came there as he traveled, saw him, and took pity ["had mercy"] on him. Going to him, he bandaged his wounds, poured oil and wine into them, set him on his own donkey took him to an inn and looked after him. The next morning he took out and handed the innkeeper [two denarii] and said, Take care of him and whatever further expenses you incur I will refund when I came back. Which of these three, do you think, was really the neighbor to the one who fell among the robbers?"
"He said, The one who was mericiful to him. Then Jesus told him, You go and do the same."-- Luke 10:25-37 The Modern Language Bible
Are we "trained", by the WTS & G.B. to keep "doing the same", as Jesus taught? Have we been "trained" to become like the "merciful Samaritan?
Or, are we taught to be like the self-righteous "priest" and "levite" in Jesus' illustration, who consistently and dutifully offers no "help" or assistance to anyone OUTSIDE his immediate association?
I appreciate your "listening ear."
Many thanks.