Why JW are overweight and unhealthy

by 5thGeneration 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • RichieRich


    My thing is this.

    I am a big guy. I have been since birth. I was 12 lbs, 14.5 ozs. then. Now, I tip the scales at just over 300 lbs. However, I go to the gym for at leat 10 hours a week, and play sports with friends, and am VERY active. My immune system seems to be abnormally strong, and my blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol is all healthy.

    However, people look at me, and don't see that. They just see another fat guy walking towards them. They don't see the kid who is stronger than the biggest player on the football team, and who is suprisingly fast and nimble for someone his size.

    Then it bugs me that people like to preach about losing weight, and working out. I am more active than most skinny people I know. They talk like being fat is horrible. However, I don't have trouble with it.

    By the same token, I see people doing very unhealthy things, and I don't preach, berate, or even suggest a change for them. What gives me the right to tell someone else how to live their lives?

    I think I might start a thread...

  • upside/down

    Hey RR...

    Then it bugs me that people like to preach about losing weight, and working out. I am more active than most skinny people I know. They talk like being fat is horrible. However, I don't have trouble with it.

    Don't let it bug you....YOU"RE A RARE EXCEPTION.

    By the way...did I ever tell you ....whenever I see your avatar I think of Bobby Hill...no offense...I just think it's funny.

    Hang in there "big guy"

    u/d (of the small human class)

  • minimus

    Walking from house to house is all you'll ever need.

  • mrsjones5

    well walking is exercise. maybe jws should take up race walking. they could get in shape and speed up the time in field service and cover more territories.

  • minimus

    Then what would they do with the "pioneer shuffle"?

  • love2Bworldly

    Hey RR--just to let you know, I hate skinny men. I hate hugging a man and he feels like a skeleton.

    Of the 'I dated a skinny man once' class.

  • mrsjones5

    when I first met my hubby he was 6' and 130 - damn skinny and looked 10 years younger that his age of 27. But he's filled out nicely and now looks like a man

  • talesin


    LOL! Me, too, I was always afraid I would 'break' him. :)

    Naw, Richie, you're fine. Most folks don't exercise, though, and eat a ton of processed foods and bad fats, no veggies, etc. That's why they are big, not because it is their nature.

    As the the JWs, I think they are just as diet-obsessed as the rest of our culture, and are an accurate reflection of the general populace in the issue of body image and health.


  • Elsewhere
    Why JW are overweight and unhealthy

    You would think that with all of the door-to-door work JWs would be in great shape. The problem is that none of the JWs walk briskly; instead they all do the Pioneer Shuffle at about 1 MPH.

  • trevor

    Why JW are overweight and unhealthy

    Perhaps they are beautiful on the inside?

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