How to reach the naughty dubs who use the internet...

by misspeaches 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • misspeaches

    I've been having a bit of a browse around on looking at the JW groups.

    There are so many listed there and heaps of young JWs seem to frequent the sites.

    How feasible would it be for someone to setup a JW group under the guise of being pro and slowly but surely bring up questions like... 'Hey my history teacher taught from <insert publication name here> that Jereuselum (sp) wasn't destroyed in 607BCE but in 587BCE. Is that true? whats that all about???'

    etc etc...

    Just a thought...

  • rebel8

    You can certainly try it. I've been on many other forums and talked to many JWs. Many I have succeeded in stimulating independent thought. One I was kicked off for saying pioneers make a profit on the literature (which is true). Just don't use your same User ID that you use on ex-jw forums because they google you and identify you as a 'postate right away. While you're at it, might I suggest asking them to count how many times the concept of obedience is mentioned at the DCs? Just ask them to keep a running tally. It's an easy exercise that might open their eyes. I am also curious what the count is. PM me with the site and I might join you there!

  • RichieRich

    honestly, my people on there are teenagers. Now, how many 17 year olds even know what 607 is? I don't even think they would understand the importance of it...

  • greendawn

    If you gradually explain it to them they will understand I am sure because that date is so crucial to their delusory concept that they were chosen by God in 1919 to be the FDS, it will cause their assumed status to collapse in the eyes of those that respect them as the FDS. There was no inspection in 1919 as there was none in 1874, no one got selected by Christ.

  • rebel8

    Richie, can you suggest some topics that might get through to them? Honest question, no sarcasm intended. I was about that age when I left the Borg. 607 would have been somewhat familiar to me at the time but not important. I'm trying to think of some things that might be of interest. I was thinking about the secret child abuse database??

  • RichieRich

    righto rebel8.

    The child abuse, and women's rights thing would problably get the most uprisal.

    I wasn't trying to shoot down the idea itself... I was just saying, there aren't many kids my age who are knee deep in doctrinal knowledge... so you you have to use a different angle.

  • urbanized

    A lot of these youth groups are moderated by very strict young JW's. I'm sure you've noticed that on a lot of the group pages, the moderators say something like "If you want to join I will check out your page and examine your pictures and comments; these things say more about you than you do." I think fake profiles would have to be created and maintained in order to join these groups or to start a new one. I think that this would entail a lot of work and fun. I think I would be perfectly willing to help out with this task. Anybody with a strong yen to do this, please PM me!

  • urbanized

    I couldn't help but search around on myspace some more... right this moment, young witnesses in another myspace group are debating over whether or not to run if a gunman comes into the KH and says "Everyone not willing to take a bullet for God, get out!" It's actually kind of sad, because they're beating up on a kid who had this to say: 'id run. i think it would be wrong not to. like not valueing your life or something. when satan told jesus to jump off of the temple jesus said it is wrong to test god. just because some looney bin tells you to do something doesnt mean you have to. what if he said if you love god run accross the freeway 10 times or you dont see international conventions in iraq. dying doesnt = noble. doesnt it say in the bible that some guys were about to stone jesus and he left them? you cant preach the good news if your dead. and you dont have to prove your faith to crazy gun men.' POOR KID!

  • PaulJ

    Young People Ask......Can I fart without being called into a Judicial Committee?

  • rebel8

    NO, PaulJ, and ewwww, light a match or something!

    Timothy did not fart. Nowhere in the bible does it say farting is acceptable. Many scientists have proven that farting is bad for your health and can lead to botulism, genital warts, and leprosy. Studies have shown that cows who fart become sexually aroused and engage in immorality, just like young JW kids will if they engage in unfettered loose conduct such as farting.

    JWs who fart should approach the elders and admit to their wrongdoing, repent, and stop the bad behavior. They may have their priviledges taken away temporarily so as to not bring reproach upon the congregation.

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