Unable to decide whether this is a nice article extolling reliance on god, or reading between the lines, a push to do more.
Theme Scripture in part "Saved through faith..it is not owing to works in order that no man should have cause for boasting"
Humility is streesed, then "Not in comparison " Gal 6.4, what example do they use?
"Elders knowing they are not in competition with one another" WHAT ?? ROFL !
In all my many years as an elder in 4 congo's I never met a more competitive , macho, boys club in my life...
We move on to learn of "A Proper View of Our Work"
A strong reminder to put everything onto the monthly report.. perhaps they feel they can increase the hours etc without getting the flock to actually do more, simple really...
p13 "news of growth and expansion worldwide fills us with joy" well, it might encourage the flock, it that statement were true. But as reported in WT 01.02.05
Worldwide a measly 2% growth which in reall terms is standing still. Although over 262000 baptised, only 124000 increase in numbers
Britain had a zero increase even though 2500 were baptized, where did they go?
I liked the comment." [Our field service report] is not to be viewed as a passport determining our eligibility for everlasting life"
Does that mean that if you have not reported a lot then God judges your whole life course? or that whatever you do it is not enough, and you must try harder?
Somebody mentioned "Animal Farm", I could not help thinking of Boxer the horse who had the motto, "I will work harder". They worked him to death....