Other religious viewpoints about paradise

by TheListener 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    No its not a place of eternal dancing!

    Limbo don't have a clue what that is!!!!

    Limbo is a place where the 'innocent' go, such as unbaptised babies. Because the RC church believes in the concept of original sin, if a child dies before baptism, it is still classed as being in a sinful state and therefore unable to enter heaven but because this is not the fault of the child it doesn't deserve the pain of hell or purgatory.

    I'm not sure whether the church still holds rigidly to this concept any more though - hope not!

  • trevor

    Tomorrow, tomorrow - you're always a day away.

    These promises are like a bond with no maturity date. In other words - worthless. Of course the pay out is guaranteed once you are dead. Payable to you, with no one to check you got what you were promised.

    All religions should be legally required to prefix their chosen name with -

    ‘Pie in the sky futurists trading as.’

    For example -

    Pie in the sky futurists trading as Baptists.

    Pie in the sky futurists trading as Islam.

    Pie in the sky futurists trading as Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    Pie in the sky futurists trading as The Watchtower Society.

    This would make clear the nature of their business.

  • trevor

    “Modern organized religions cruelly exploit death to extend their power over their brainwashed members. If you lived a bad life, as assessed by some 'higher judge', you are condemned to an eternity of pain and anguish. If you fail to get last rites you cannot be admitted to heaven.

    When someone bad dies, it is divine will, and everyone else who misbehaves or doesn't abide by the one true religion had better watch out. When someone good dies, it is because they were too good for mere mortal humans, so they were called to a divine purpose in heaven. No chance for a 'put-down' of those left behind is ever missed. And worst of all, we are told that all those who died are eternally watching us, passing judgement on everything we do.

    But if we just spent a short time thinking critically about it, talking to one another about it, and learning from nature, we could liberate ourselves from death's exploiters and reduce its fear and trauma to us, and show a lot more genuine respect for the dead in the process.”

    Dave Pollard

  • jaffacake

    Thanks Kazaar,

    I'm ex-catholic, then SDA, then Agnostic. Then I read that Keith Ward book which got me thinking. I never quite bought the literalism (eg creation) of adventists.

    Many JW teaching originate from Adventists, although some come from Christadelphians and even the fourth century heresy known as Arianism after Arius.

    Both SDAs and JWs have made some of the same mistakes, as have many fundamentalist (so called Bible-based)Christians. There is however a very important difference between SDAs and JWs. The former are indeed Christians. Still love 'em after all these years, and although I am apostate, they still love me.

  • Carmel

    There are equaly as divergent beliefs in Islam regarding the term "paradise" as there are in Christianity. Many Muslim scholars agree with liberal Christrian views that reference to the afterlife in graphic terms should be taken as metaphore. The twenty six virgins with olive eyes as an example, is viewed by more than one Islamic school as representing the felicity and happiness in all its dimensions short of physicality.


  • Evanescence

    What do you guys think of re-incarnation?

    Or I think the Shinto's believe that once you die you become a tree or a plant or grass thats why they respect nature so much. I think thats what they teach not sure...

    And some other religion believes that your soul becomes a pebble or rock, and this pebble or rock can be used today as luck or power. And if you were to break this rock or pebble the soul would murder you

    Dunno really just things i've heard.

    Also another saying about the whole cat has nine lives originalted from a religion that believes that on your ninth re-inarnation you become a cat


  • jaffacake


    I have not really studied this stuff much, but for some reason my mind is strongly biased against at least the popular versions of reincarnation. I certainly don't believe there is more than one incarnation in the physical world, but you never know about the possibility of other dimensions and universes.

    Although I have doubts about Christianity, and the idea of transfiguration for all of us, including animals, I find that what people teach about reincarnation twice as hard to believe in. But that's just me, and perhaps my prejudices. I'll try to keep an open mind.

  • La Capra
    La Capra

    Some branches of Judaism teach (that is not saying the practitioners believe it) of resurrection and a "paradise." There are fascinating parallels between ancient Judaism around the time of Jesus and WBTS teachings and practices, actually. (My personal opinion is that the WBTS is a Jewish apologist, apocalyptic cult, based on its early doctrines).


  • TheListener

    Ok I have some more questions:

    If the catholics believe that the body and soul are reunited for god's final judgment what happens next?

    Do the SDAs believe that after the 1,000 years of paradise that they will go to heaven or not?

    Muslims seem to be sort of split. some feel that the paradise is literal others feel it is figurative? If literal is it on earth or in heaven?

    Baptists believe in living on a paradise earth after the final judgement? Do any other protestant religions?


  • TheListener


    Please, if you have any answers let me know.

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