did anyone else watch the "fur and loathing" episode on CSI? lol
here's an excerpt:
(CATHERINE and BRASS reinterview BUD SIMMONS sexy the cat.)
BRASS: Okay, bud, I'm going to get right to it. Bob Pitt's semen was found all
over your kitty costume.
CATHERINE: You lied to us. You were doing a little more than grooming.
BUD SIMMONS: It started as a skritch, then everyone got in a furpile and pretty
soon, we were all yiffing.
(Quick flashback to: The Furpile, whipping sounds and animal whimperings in the
background. You want more description, go watch the episode. End of flashback.
Resume to present.)
CATHERINE: I get "furpile." Define "yiffing."
BUD SIMMONS: In a furpile, when all the animals start rubbing and wiggling,
some of them start to do things.
(Quick flashback to: The furpile and obscene animal groaning noises. You want
more description, then you really need to watch the episode. End of flashback.
Resume to present.)
BRASS: The kind of things that leave semen on your fur?