Resplendent,,, Fortunate,,,, Pah!
All kneel and worship ZOD!!!!!
Then, you will truly know the meaning of FORTUNATE!
How fortunate we are to worship ZOD!!!!!!!!
by gringojj 120 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Resplendent,,, Fortunate,,,, Pah!
All kneel and worship ZOD!!!!!
Then, you will truly know the meaning of FORTUNATE!
How fortunate we are to worship ZOD!!!!!!!!
Main Entry: re·splen·dent
Pronunciation: -d&nt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin resplendent-, resplendens, present participle of resplendEre to shine back, from re- + splendEre to shine -- more at SPLENDID
: shining brilliantly : characterized by a glowing splendor synonym see SPLENDID
- re·splen·dent·ly adverb
This is nothing more the JDub cheep porn!!!
The jade-green plumes of the quetzal
lush vegetation in verdant tones
Our guide begins to mimic its soft, mellow call
Its breast is a deep crimson-red
To see the quetzal sitting high on a limb with its long streamers flowing gently
two broods of two eggs
a limb not more than 16 feet
the holes can flood or collapse
a limb eyeing an avocado that dangles
with a flurry of beating wings, it will zero in on its target, grab the fruit with its mouth, and return to its roost It swallows the fruit whole and some 20 to 30 minutes later regurgitates the avocado's large seed
The female sits just above us, giving us a scolding look for intruding
Are you attracted to birds that have elegant looks and melodious voices?
What about the misjudged bird? The Marabou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And don't forget the beautiful moth!
Excuse me! Has being fortunate already begun?
Yes JW's thanks to the fds are the most educated people in the world