Speaking from his jail cell, Jehovah's Witness leader Ted Jaracz...

by sf 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sf

    I am in the USENET forum on Google and 'stumbled' upon this item I will paste below.

    What I would like confirmed by those in the know is if it is, in fact true:


    Watchtower's Governing Body in Prison!

    Only 1 message in topic - view as tree
    " noWrap width="1%" bgColor=#b71c0c>Nobody Mar
    Newsgroups: alt.religion.watchtower.reform, alt.religion.watchtower-reform
    From: Nobody <nob...@rigel.cyberpass.net> - Find messages by this author
    Date: 1998/03/21
    Subject: Watchtower's Governing Body in Prison!
    Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse

    New York Times, March 19, 1999 - Associated Press Release

    In an unprecedented move, the United States Department of Justice
    has taken action against a religious sect. After a two-year
    undercover investigation of the religion known as Jehovah's
    Witnesses, the Justice Department has indicted and arrested 11 of
    the sect's leaders for violations of the United States

    Commenting on this action, United States Attorney General Janet
    Reno in a press conference earlier today stated:

    "In the legal community, the Jehovah's Witness religion has
    become well-known in its fights for rights guaranteed under the
    United States Constitution. In particular, this group has been
    successful in the litigation of freedom of speech, and freedom of
    religion issues, including the right not to salute the flag or
    stand for our National Anthem. We have no problem with this.

    "However, what we did not know until our two-year investigation
    of the Witnesses was completed was that this religion has
    systematically denied these very rights to their own members.
    Our own Declaration of Independence states that there are certain
    inalienable rights, rights which are given by God and cannot be
    taken away by any man. These are "life, liberty, and the pursuit
    of happiness." It is the position of the Justice Department that
    the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses have in far too many
    cases, deprived its very own members of these basic and
    fundamental and inalienable rights.

    "In almost every instance the United States Government has no
    right to interfere with anyone's practice of his or her religion,
    but in this instance we must act. The leaders of the Jehovah's
    Witnesses have passed unbelievably harsh and strict laws which
    their members are required to follow. Failure to follow these
    laws has in many thousands of cases resulted in the total
    emotional destruction of those failing to follow them. Families
    are required to forever avoid having any further contact with
    members who break the Jehovah's Witness rules. This includes
    even the closest of relatives like children and parents.
    Following another Jehovah's Witness law of refusing to allow a
    life-saving blood transfusion has resulted in other thousands of
    deaths among members, many of them children as young as infants
    and toddlers.

    "The United States Justice Department has issued a Cease and
    Desist Order to the remaining leaders of this religion to stop
    initiating the religious act of "disfellowshiping" or total
    shunning of members who fail to follow the rules of the religion.
    This Order shall stay in effect until the trial of the religion's
    leaders is adjudicated.

    Speaking from his jail cell, Jehovah's Witness leader Ted Jaracz
    stated, "We expected this kind of persecution sooner or later.
    It is foretold in God's Word, the Holy Bible, that Satan the
    Devil would turn the leaders of the World Governments against
    Jehovah's people and persecute them. This is indeed a sign that
    the great day of God is near, and that very soon God will wipe
    out all oppressors of his people and liberate them through the
    world-wide battle of Armageddon. Asked to comment on Mr.
    Jaracz's statement, Attorney General Reno simply replied, "Mr.
    Jaracz should talk. He is the oppressor, not of his enemies, but
    of his very own followers. We will prosecute this case
    vigorously to end these barbaric and Midieval practices. And we
    will win."

    (Contributed to Hourglass2 Outpost's International Open
    Forum for Jehovah's Witnesses and Other Interested Ones,
    http://www.hourglass2.org/wwwb oard/hourglass2board.html
    15:50:20 3/19/98 in file 63133.html)

    G'day! Au Web-Voice Gateway is for Jehovah's Witnesses who
    do not have access to a news server, or cannot post from a
    real email account for fear of judicial committee actions,
    on account of their expressing their opinion on the reform
    newsgroup alt.religion.watchtower.reformĀ­. THEIR VOICE MUST
    BE HEARD. Please, do not abuse this free newsgroup posting
    service, and deny them a voice, even if you disagree. They
    welcome your opinion, mates.
    --Sincerely, Aussie Boy, a...@rigel.cyberpass.net
    Au Web-Voice Gateway Administrator



  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    "In almost every instance the United States Government has no

    right to interfere with anyone's practice of his or her religion,

    but in this instance we must act. The leaders of the Jehovah's

    Witnesses have passed unbelievably harsh and strict laws which

    their members are required to follow. Failure to follow these

    laws has in many thousands of cases resulted in the total

    emotional destruction of those failing to follow them. Families

    are required to forever avoid having any further contact with

    members who break the Jehovah's Witness rules. This includes

    even the closest of relatives like children and parents.

    Following another Jehovah's Witness law of refusing to allow a

    life-saving blood transfusion has resulted in other thousands of

    deaths among members, many of them children as young as infants

    and toddlers.

    "The United States Justice Department has issued a Cease and

    Desist Order to the remaining leaders of this religion to stop

    initiating the religious act of "disfellowshiping" or total

    shunning of members who fail to follow the rules of the religion.

    This Order shall stay in effect until the trial of the religion's

    leaders is adjudicated.

    It would be lovely to see this - but it must be a hoax! I do not see how the laws of the US would permit this - and certainly we would have seen it hashed/rehashed here dozens of times if true.


  • CyrusThePersian

    Not true unfortunately

    The "Story" is dated 3-21-98 and Janet Reno is no longer the Attorney General of the United States


  • Ticker

    Damb guess we were all dreaming. Too bad.


  • frankiespeakin

    Good one!!!

  • gespro

    It was a great fantasy...

    If you ask me, this needs to be made into a reality. I've often said to my family if there's any way I could sue the WTS for emotional [this is loaded! I would've been futher ahead in my career if the JW mindset wasn't beaten into me!] and religious abuse, we'd have a class action suit that would go down in history. [Stand in line...]

    Can you imagine if the laws of the land changed slightly enough where we could pull this off? And it could apply internationally as well!

    I can dream, can't I?

  • Hellrider

    The blood-laws makes the GB guilty of massmurder. Americans are fortunate enough to have the death penalty. Lethal injections on all of them!

  • kwintestal

    I'm sure if it was true, the GB would be plastering it all over the WT and Asleep! mags as evidence of their persecution. This is of course unless there is somewhat of a publication ban on the subject to prevent 6 million people from revolting.


  • willy_think
    The leaders of the Jehovah's

    Witnesses have passed unbelievably harsh and strict laws which

    their members are required to follow.

    There is no way US attorny General Janet Reno would confuse WT corporate policy with "law"

  • greendawn

    Obviously this is not real but it is supposed to point the way, the GB are guilty of violating the rights of their members with kangaroo jc's the break up of families blood tranfusion bans, and no freedom of speech.

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