I am confused about this site

by free2beme 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    I am confused about something. I posted a subject that is in the news and it in no way, "NO WAY", was going south into something bad and it got deleted. Why? I think an e-mail should be sent by the site admin to explain such actions, as it makes no sense. Are we under elder control here, only with a different name. Are we all not adult enough to discuss the negative picture the Muslim religion is being protrayed as, and the extreme thoughts that people in the world are taking of it? I have seen this subject covered on political sites and general sites, time and time again and here the powers that be delete it. That is retarded, and I am done with a site that would take such a step. That is a congregation, and I am not a Witness.


  • stillajwexelder

    The Title alone of your Topic was extremely inflamatory IMHO and could incite racial hatred which is against akey rule of the site

  • minimus

    I got a thread deleted yesterday too (and a few other times). Don't get yourself into a snit. It happens. Mods or Simon can do as they please if they believe something is against the rules.

  • free2beme
    I heard on the news the other day that 1% of Muslims support terrorism.

    Ever read a newspaper and see a topic that has a title that catches your attention, only to learn that it was not extreme at all? You must do this, as you read mine. If you were someone who got offended easy, you would never have opened it up. All I wanted was to show extreme thought, then follow with an explanation. Which I did and you started saying I was some hate munger or something. I thought the subject was interesting myself and was enjoying the thoughts people shared, of which none were extreme as you feared. I thought people shared some good info, I for one did not know 1% of Muslims supported terror. I don't think the adults on this site needed a managed deletion of a subject that was going well.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I was a little choked that my spoof "Write your own NOOB post!" was deleted.. but whatever.


  • minimus

    So what are you gonna do?

  • free2beme

    I have seen you post a lot, just look at the amount of your post and I could see that. Don't you think that some explanation should follow? I see this inbox on this site and people have sent me weird thoughts sometimes and even mistake messages. Couldn't a admin send something like, "dear poster, recently we deleted one of your e-mails as it broke this rule ... we encourage free though, but this rule must be upheld, etc." How about an example of where it went bad, anything!!!! Sorry, but that is weird to just delete and move on.

  • minimus

    You'll get used to it or.......you won't. Sure, it could be done but I wouldn't hold your breath.

  • greendawn

    It probably fell foul of the second rule relating to posting: Inciting hatred on the basis of race, religion...

  • free2beme
    It probably fell foul of the second rule relating to posting: Inciting hatred on the basis of race, religion...

    On a former Witness site, seems like a rule that could be bent a few times. Now if I posted to a Muslim on this site, "I want to kill you." I would expect the boot and delete. I don't feel negative toward Muslims, but the question to me that I asked was valid. People are thinking this and after each terror attack it grows. I just wanted to discuss it and have some thoughts exchanged. Does holy spirit guide the mods in their actions? I can't see where any part of my thread incited hate, not to anyone who read it at least.

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