I am confused about this site

by free2beme 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Admittedly the ideal situation is for you to get an explanation just as soon as something is removed, and perhaps one may still yet hit your inbox. You'll need to garner a bit thicker skin if you want to be here very long and as an adult you might also want to consider when you say something that can be construed as inflamatory, as it most probably was, then it might get deleted. Your desire for immediate explanation why things are removed will not always get satiated so you either as Minimus points out, get used to it or not. Furthermore your suggestion this place is like the kingdom hall is the oldest piece of horse shit that has been declared time and time again by people who get their panties in a wad. Tired and simply not true.


    District Overbeer

  • free2beme
    Furthermore your suggestion this place is like the kingdom hall is the oldest piece of horse shit that has been declared time and time again by people who get their panties in a wad. Tired and simply not true.

    Not to get into this with you, but to study this site and a Kingdom Hall and find things that are alike, does not take a much effort. Any website chat room, message board would fit.

    1. Does the site have rules that much be followed?
    Yes, so does the religion and Kingdom Hall.

    2. Are there clicks, leaders, people in charge?
    Yes, and what happened with me is an example of that.

    3. Are there people expelled from this site?

    Actually I did not know this happened here until someone sent me a message and linked to another site and there were angry people there mentioning that they were expelled. Bothered me a bit, but it happens on all sites like this.

    Just going to use three, but I could compare any site like this is the Kingdom Hall and ANY religion for hours and see things in common. Order does fit, but how about a message explaining actions. Hell, even the government sends you a message to explain the BS they pull, makes you feel a little better at least. Just don't tell me that this place is not like the Kingdom Hall and expect me to buy it like I am blind. It's an organization to some extent and with organizations comes so form of order.


  • free2beme
    You'll get used to it or.......you won't.

    To me, getting used to something mean that you learn the way something works and fall in line. This is more like getting used to walking across a mine field. Your walking along and have no idea when the "BOOM!" happens and you walk away with a few less limbs. That is not something I want to get used too. How about a map or explanation? Also, are there people here who e-mail mods and ask for deleted post. Are there elder wives?

  • trevor

    You are so luck to have had your thread deleted. That is like a swift execution. My occasional threads are so boring they just die a slow lingering death. Minimus uses the machine gun approach - so many at once that there are not enough administrators to check them all. Try a thread bashing Jehovah’s Witnesses or the USA. They give you gold star.

  • sf
    Furthermore your suggestion this place is like the kingdom hall is the oldest piece of horse shit that has been declared time and time again by people

    I agree.

    At the end of the day and the bottom line is, and always will be, this is Simons Baby.

    Simon could shut this site down at anytime he wishes. Thank god he hasn't yet. It is a highly valuable site. And the best one out there when it comes to exposing, discussing and whistleblowing the WTBTS.

    If there weren't guidelines set it would end up as just another exjw site with anyone posting anything they wish without any regard for the viewers.

    Also, sometimes timezones do not afford a snappy reply or reason why a moderator or the owner has edited or deleted a post or thread.

    We are all free to create our own forum and/ or chat area and create any topic we choose. Reality is, this forum isn't one of them.

    When you completed registration it is hopefully understood you accept the terms of service. SERVICE. Simon has provided us a SERVICE. One should not lose sight of this fact.

    I hope you keep contributing to the forum as one who has accepted the terms.


  • stillajwexelder

    Minimus uses the machine gun approach - so many at once that there are not enough administrators to check them all.


  • Scully

    Your thread has NOT been deleted.

    I was easily able to find it listed in the Politics forum. That may not be where you originally posted it, but since it is a political topic, one of the moderators may have moved it to the appropriate forum.

    You can check your Topic History by clicking on your alias in the top left hand corner.

  • misspeaches
    Simon has provided us a SERVICE. One should not lose sight of this fact.

    I have to agree. Thanks to this forum I reunited with someone this week after 9 years apart.

    I don't think I could have had that reunion if it wasn't for this forum.

  • Valis

    lol all that pissing and moaning for nothing lol....

  • ozziepost

    Very interesting to see who was quick to take the bait though, eh?

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