simplistically we joined in our early 20's and left our church because we believed what the WTBTS was teaching.
18 years later we left having gradually come to the conclusion that they had lied to us.
On our way "out" we started to do research on line and everything thing we then discovered helped to make our exit complete.
Many things led to us beginning to have doubts not least of these being the falseness of the claim to be a "loving brotherhood" and "not like other religions with gossiping etc".
After about 5 years we had had enough but a bro & sis we were close to persuaded us that the problem was the local elder body who had a few arrogant individuals, and that the best thing would be to change congs, which we did.
Off course a new family are always "love bombed" and as before it takes a while to begin to unravel the politics in the new cong, but unravel it did.
About 15 years into our JW aberration, the continual schizophrenic writings in the WTBTS literature was very obvious and we had had enough.
It is very hard to try and extricate yourself from the clutches of such a high control group.
Our exit was made more complicated because other half was cong sec and we had bought up our children in it and they were all baptized good publishers.
Fortunately as we began to doubt and then see the stupidity of the whole set up we shared this with them.
We are now all OUT.
One is still married to a very weak JW, but they seem to have a working compromise and there is no shunning towards any of us.
As to why we listened to the JW's in the first place: Looking back we were going through a difficult time, a young family, fil dying, very high interest rates in the UK (15%), riots, strikes, redundancy and the Falklands war to name but a few. Yes someone in control who could sort out all of these things and make the world lovely was the answer to everything.
Why did it take us so long?
I think the answer to that is how busy the society keeps you especially if you really believe it and are trying to do everything properly especially as an elder.
There are usually 1 or 2 elders in each cong that people will talk to with problems and other half was one of those. He felt for a long time that he couldnt "step down" with a clean conscience.
But now we wish we had never listened to the sweet little old lady who came to our door 22 years ago.
Now we dont believe in any form of munificent deity.
The over-riding factor that seem to govern all thing is sods law.
Hope this answers your questions.