Has it ever occurred to any body out there why Jehovah's witnesses are so disliked/picked on etc? Do you ever wonder why we are the only religion that gets a bad rap? Think about it. Doesn't that tell you non JW's out there anything? Doesn't that make you wonder that maybe we have something?, something that Satan don't want you to have? He don't care about what other religion you are interested in, as long as it's not being one of Jehovah's Witnesses. If you knew the story about Satan you would know that he use to be an angle up in heaven with Jehovah. Jehovah created satan (although he wasn't SATAN at the time) but Jehovah created many angles and one of them became VERY jealous (at which time he became satan and that's what Jehovah called him) of Jehovah and all the worship he was getting. So satan got some other angles to go a long with him who also loved the idea of being worshipped and VUALA ... there you have it...Satan and his angles were kicked out of heaven and was hurled to the earth and we are now feeling the affects. Satan told Jehovah I'll show you that more people will worship me more than you" and so that is what he's doing that is what all these world conditions are all about. Satan don't care not one iota about anybody, not you, not your child, not your unborn child, not how sick you are not anything except to try and show Jehovah that people will do bad, and people will kill for him and people will molest children for him, people will develop false religions for him, ...ANYTHING as long as it goes against what Jehovah wants and as long as it distracts you from thinking of serving him and helping others to get to know him as well. And yes Satan wants Jehovah's people to look like two headed monsters. It's ok though because we know all of this is coming and it's going to get worse before it gets better (as in the paradise where we will want for nothing) so we are all prepared to stick it out and take what ever is dished out to us for we know that man can only kill us and Jehovah can and will simply resurrect us for standing firm against satan. We have Satan's #. Do you realize that we gain absolutely nothing when someone comes to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses? We don't ask for money like the other religions out there. Our kingdom halls and literature are all able to be made do to voluntary donation and we don't mean putting people on the spot either for that is so unkind. So if you think about it the only benefit we gain by some one becoming one of Jehovah's Witnesses is absolute joy in our hearts that yes one more life has been saved. So for you EX Jehovah's Witnesses out there who feel "oh so much better" now that they are no longer one...then yes that is very unfortunate for you but we don't loose anything when one leaves the organization... not - one - thing, we gain sadness for you. All man can do is kill me. Jehovah will resurrect me and I will want for nothing.
You will be shown hatred on the account of my name.
by Chicky 50 Replies latest jw friends
Doesn't that make you wonder that maybe we have something?,
Wife abuse
Child Molestation
Lack of Education
False Prophets
Destruction of families...Yeah, you've got something alright...whatever it is, I don't want it...Nice cut and paste...be sure to turn in your time slip on time...
Oh, and welcome to the forum...
Just a rewind of that same broken record every JW use.
I only read a bit of that....I liked the "angles" of Satan as well as "VUALA"...looked liked it was supposed to be "vulva" at first.
Sorry, Chickybaby, if you can't come up with something better than that (something I can actually read without trying to figure out what words you meant to use), I'm not gonna bother with it.
lol "the only religion that gets a bad rap"
Chickybaby, if you can't come up with something better than that (something I can actually read without trying to figure out what words you meant to use), I'm not gonna bother with it.
Now really.........
You shouldn't x-spek much wit dat botch-tower kollege ejumacashun.
Satan count - 12...lol
Hmm...Jehovah is going to violently kill the 6 billion non-JW's at Armageddon....with a god like that, who needs Satan?
Did Joel Engardio send you here?
Nice try, but the snowball is even beyond OUR control.
And it is obvious more and more how much momentum it is gaining by posters like you.
Your silly post here holds no merit.
"the only religion that gets a bad rap"
Chicky, you are clueless. What about Muslims, Jews, Mormon's, Catholics and every other religion out there??? They all get a bad rap.