We have Satan's #.
Sorry, for a moment I thought they were saying they have the mark of Satan
Is the number the same as the one for WBTS?
VUALAObviously proving they can't spell in French any better than English!
by Chicky 50 Replies latest jw friends
We have Satan's #.
Sorry, for a moment I thought they were saying they have the mark of Satan
Is the number the same as the one for WBTS?
VUALAObviously proving they can't spell in French any better than English!
I think Chicky was trying to say "voila" instead of vuala.
Also angels instead of angles. Although with dubs it is an angle.
: Re: You will be shown hatred on the account of my name.
Of course that's a red herring and a lie. When has anyone ever seen an example of dubs being hated "on account of God's name?" When?
"Hey, let's go beat the crap out of those dubs over there, ok?"
"Why would you want to do that?"
"On account of God's name, that's why."
"What does that mean?"
"Don't know."
"Then why did you say it?"
"Because that's what they SAY we say, that's why!"
Jehovah's Witnesses are "hated" for an entirely different reason: they are irritating, in-your-face, self righteous judgemental jerks. Not because of "God's name" whatever THAT means.
Ahhh....I love it when people come on the forum and post complete nonsense. It has so much entertainment value. All the hilarious responses...
LOL @ the angels being jealous of each other....I was thinking the same thing!
You will be shown hatred on the account of my name.
And they are. In the Sudan, Christians are being killed. The survivors flee their homes and go into hiding because of the persecution.
I just had to come back and give the JW apologist a history lesson.
Has it ever occurred to any body out there why Jehovah's witnesses are so disliked/picked on etc? Do you ever wonder why we are the only religion that gets a bad rap?
A bad reputation can have two sources.
1.Honest appraisal of behavior based on evidence
The history of behavior of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is hidden from members and painted over with a whitewash brush of propaganda.
Members are self-glorified in their own publications and they are disallowed the reading of any secular or religious material other than their own.
The worst damage done to the Jehovah's Witness reputation is done by the Governing Body's own policies of false prediction in the NAME of God Almighty. When these predictions fail (time after time) after having been attributed to Jehovah himself the inescapable conclusion is that they are liars who cannot admit they are wrong.
President Rutherford embarked upon policy after policy within the orgaization that painted a target on members as oddballs and wrong-headed spoilers who were self-righteous publicity hounds begging for harsh treatment. Here are just a few of the policies that got JW's their terrible reputation.
1.Rutherford changed the group's name from International Bible Students to the non-Christian sounding Jehovah's Witnesses.
2.Rutherford published anti-Catholic anti-Church propaganda in the harshest words possible and threw all non JW activity into the same black and white category of SATAN-INSPIRED.
3.Rutherford denied members the privilege of voting, participating in charity, having Christmas or birthday celebration, respecting either the political leaders or the symbol of the country as a whole (flag salute), urged activism door to door with brash condemnations and self-righteous and high-handed disputes centering on weird "bible principles" nothing short of loony.
4.Rutherford peddled crank medical views against the Pasteurization of milk, "poisonous" aluminum cookware, anti biotic condemnation, ridicule of the germ theory and isolated the JW membership as wacko conspiracy nuts in the eyes of middle America.
5.Rutherford sought to stir up controversy and gain publicity whenever possible by getting school chilren persecuted for unpatriotic behavior and then pursuing litigation to the Supreme Court. Policies on blood stirred anti-Witness feelings when children who needed transfusions died from denial of medical procedures.
6.Rutherford was not content to have a "different" viewpoint on the Bible, doctrines, interpretations and theology; he insisted that Jehovah himself was the editor of the Watchtower magazine, the governing members were an elite spirit-controlled group of Faithful and Discreet Slaves to whom all must listen or risk assainations by sword-wielding angels at Armageddon. Further, everybody else (other religious views) were DEMONIC and deserving of death.
7.High Profile assemblies were used to gain publicity locally where huge publicity campaigns would announce various coming events (like the return of Abraham, David, and other ancient worthies) end-of-the-world predictions or some other non-happening eventuality.
In short, the public at large all around the world have had these people (JW's) in their face constantly telling them lies, stirring up fears and ridiculing alternate points of view for over 100 years without being humble, contrite or apologizing publicly for all their bad manners and wrong theories of what scriptures are purported to "really mean".
IS IT ANY WONDER the JW's have a bad reputation and are regarded as bad-mannered louts with big mouths and the unwillingness to listen?
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society deserves its reputation because it has earned it.
Wake up and smell the coffee!
We should all be encouraging Chicky to continue preaching to us. Perhaps she would even brouse around on some other threads while here. That could lead to the begining of an independent thinking type attitude. Who knows with a little time she would see the light at the end of her tunnel.
After all, She had to register in order to post her topic. Isn't just being on this site grounds for disfellowshiping?
A Warm welcome, please stay. I don't doubt your sincerity so discuss with us, please.
How come you don't know about the bad rap of other religions or the far greater amount of preaching the gospel an a bigger more world wide scale. Your not allowed to learn such facts.
Check scripture (NT). Whose witnesses were we told to be in Judea, Samaria and in all the world?
Jehovah's name does not appear in any ancient copy of the Christian Greek scripture, although some have been tricked into thinking that it was included in the NT. Please check the Kingdom Interlinear references and trace them back to the truth.
Do you realize that we gain absolutely nothing when someone comes to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses? We don't ask for money like the other religions out there.
I dont doubt that you gain nothing when someone becomes a JW however the WTBTS does...
UK turnover 2004 = £20m (www.companieshouse.gov.uk)
US turnover £1bl+
Nuff said.