Hello everyone! I am new to this board. I am not sure where to post this, so I'll give this place a try. Don't ask how I stumbled across this board. lol But I am glad I did. I was just wondering if you all can help me about a situation. Latley, I have been attracted to a guy who happens to be a Jehovah Witness. He seems like a great person, a person I can see myself being with. But I have always heard things about Jehovah Witness. However, I am not a judgemental person. I have know some in the past, and they have always been really nice to me. We never had any problems. It was always pretty civil when it come to religion talk. We just never got to close. I happen to be Roman Catholic. I try to shut down my feelings for this person, because I know deep inside this just isn't going to work out in the long run. Their will be conflict along the way if we were ever to get together. I don't know their views on marriage or dating outside the religion happen to be. I was just wondering what your views on this are. Maybe some advice would be great from ex-Jehovah or Jehovah's. Thank you for your time guys!
Attracted to a Jehovah Witness
by AJNG99 49 Replies latest jw friends
:Maybe some advice would be great from ex-Jehovah or Jehovah's.
Ahh, I love Normies . Hi, welcome to the board. You should probably RUN FOR YOUR LIFE FROM THIS FREAKISH CULTIST FREAK. Kidding. But you probably should start running. Dubs are not allowed to date worldlings.
Welcome....hope you stick around. But please RUN THE OTHER DIRECTION from this "great" person !!!!
Sorry to be blunt but there is no other way to phrase it.....sorry :( -
Run as fast as you can from this person. Your life will become a living hell if you become involved. Better now before you commit your time and heart. Been there and still doing it, trying to have a relationship with a jw when you are not is hellish, that's the only word do describe it. just my opinion, carla
Welcome aboard AJN!!
You're most welcome here and i'm sure that sticking around is going to open your eyes to the belief system that the "attractive" guy has.
Some posting here are still JWs whilst many are departed Dubs. Please learn from them all.
When you say this:
I happen to be Roman Catholic
Well, the future, if any, looks fraught with danger and anxiety. in short, it's not going to happen. Although the Dubs have many similarities to the Roman Catholic church, their publications are full of hate toward Rome.
Cheers from downunder,
Wow, I am amazed, it's that bad eh. Well, that's easier said then done. It's tough when you see the person almost everyday, and that person happens to be always so nice to you. I guess they are raised to be that way, huh?
My word Carla , you took the words right out of my mouth I wonder why
Thank you all for making feel welcome. By the way why do they call themselves dub?
Any love this person could ever give you or any kids you may be blessed with, is conditional on your being a witness. He may deny it now if he was trying to win you, but it's true.
By getting involved with this man, you are certain to come to a choice between joining his religion or losing him. Worse, should you have kidletts with this man, and then change your mind on the religion, your own witness children will be forced to shun you in adulthood.
What do you know about the witness faith?
By the way why do they call themselves dub?
They don't - but we do!!!
JDub.....get it? as in dubble U (JW)