JW are such Liars

by Es 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rod P
    Rod P

    Have you ever tried to play with a piece of mercury? We used to do this in high school chemistry class. (You also could take an old thermometer and crack it open and let the mercury empty out on the table.)

    Anyway, mercury agglomerates together like a big drop of water, and looks like steely grey liquid metal. If you push this mercury drop with your finger, it moves off in another direction. Pursue it by pushing it in its new position, and it will move off again in another direction. It is smooth like teflon, and nothing sticks to it, not even your finger. You can never "catch it" or pin it down. It is highly elusive.

    I think most JW's on the doorstep are like that piece of mercury. You can never pin them down on anything. When you try to catch them in their lies and doctrinal inconsistencies, they will move off in another direction, deflecting your argument with lies and denials, and/or changing the subject. They are highly elusive, and like teflon, will not allow anything to "stick" on them that might expose or incriminate them as a group or organization.

    Isn't this a lot like Politics? Lie and deny. Obscure the facts. Deflect the argument. Change the discussion. Turn it around and put the onus or blame on you. etc, etc, etc,. What's truth got to do with it? Absolutely nothing!

    In short, the JW religion is a Mercury-Teflon Political Organization in which the rank and file are taught and trained in all the tricks of the trade.

    Rod P.

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    Lies? it's not lying, it's Theocratic Warfare!

    Trevor - we too put a letter to the editor in our small town after we were quite publicly shunned away from Rocky's nephew's graduation reception. This little town's population is only about 1500 people. The step-nephew is not a JW. His date that day was my non-JW best friend's daughter. They were quite surprised we didn't attend and asked why. I don't think the community will put up with lying in this case. Many in the community are not going to be receptive to the JWs knocking on their doors!

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    You failed to mention that Mercury is a slow acting poison. It'll kill ya in the long run!


  • kls

    From the years i have read others stories on JWD , it seems that all jw think alike and have almost the exact same come back and the same lies . Talk about well trained or truly brainwashed.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Yep, your right ES they are liars. I used to speak with them online and they lied about shunning, lied about 1975, lied about their stance on education. They lied about just about anything that painted them in a negative way. You'd tell them you had been a witness and knew better. And they'd call you a liar. Were we like that when we were J-dubs? I don't think I was. I hope I wasn't. It's scary to think about.

  • Terry
  • Rod P
    Rod P


    You're right, I did forget to mention that one. Actually, the reason I said "old thermometer" is I knew they no longer use mercury in the thermometers they make nowadays because of the toxic nature of mercury.

    Maybe it's a good thing I didn't say anything, because that might have run the risk of poisoning everyone's minds who are reading this devilish thread.

    Rod P.

  • GetBusyLiving

    It's the old "JW Shuffle"! I've been with people who have blatently lied to householders when cornered on the blood issue, false prophecies and especially shunning. Can you imagine the internal turmoil of having to lie to defend your religious organization but having to think you are following the example of Jesus the best you can? What a mind f*ck!

    I just used to say, " So you aren't interested then?"


  • love2Bworldly

    In short, the JW religion is a Mercury-Teflon Political Organization in which the rank and file are taught and trained in all the tricks of the trade.

    Rod P.


  • mrsjones5

    bait and switch

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