Have you ever tried to play with a piece of mercury? We used to do this in high school chemistry class. (You also could take an old thermometer and crack it open and let the mercury empty out on the table.)
Anyway, mercury agglomerates together like a big drop of water, and looks like steely grey liquid metal. If you push this mercury drop with your finger, it moves off in another direction. Pursue it by pushing it in its new position, and it will move off again in another direction. It is smooth like teflon, and nothing sticks to it, not even your finger. You can never "catch it" or pin it down. It is highly elusive.
I think most JW's on the doorstep are like that piece of mercury. You can never pin them down on anything. When you try to catch them in their lies and doctrinal inconsistencies, they will move off in another direction, deflecting your argument with lies and denials, and/or changing the subject. They are highly elusive, and like teflon, will not allow anything to "stick" on them that might expose or incriminate them as a group or organization.
Isn't this a lot like Politics? Lie and deny. Obscure the facts. Deflect the argument. Change the discussion. Turn it around and put the onus or blame on you. etc, etc, etc,. What's truth got to do with it? Absolutely nothing!
In short, the JW religion is a Mercury-Teflon Political Organization in which the rank and file are taught and trained in all the tricks of the trade.
Rod P.