I actually asked an elder about this, he told me that just because life on other planets is not mentioned in the bible doesn't mean it doesn't exist, just that its not important to us at the moment.
i always disliked this explanation from elders, as i'm sure you do.
the problem that arises then is theological.
if there is life on other planets, then did jesus die for all of them? were they all sinful? and if not, then does that mean that satan was apowerful angel that was only allowed to ruin the earth, but not other planets? does this not call into qiestion the omnimax nature of god? dies this not seem rather immoral, that we were left to suffer at the hands of satan, while other planets got to go on their merry way?
Alcyone, the central one of the renowned Pleiadic stars… Alcyone, then, as far as science has been able to perceive, would seem to be 'the midnight throne' in which the whole system of gravitation has its seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe…
HA HA, I LOVE THAT PARTICULAR TEACHING! Makes religion fun in all it`s sci-fi-ness. (And I`m not even a Star Trek or Star Wars-fan) (damn, how do I turn of the yellow highlight...)
Personally, I believe in God, and think that God always existed...alone, then he created Jesus, and then they created the heavens and earth and all living creatures in heaven (angels) and everything that lives on this planet.
That God existed alone seems to be supported.
That God created Jesus who then created everything else is not.
What is taught in scripture is this:
God created the heavens and the earth alone.
God brought into existence non human beings like Himself and has them responsible to Him to perform other acts of creation and management, but how and when this was done is not stated.
One such entity called the Word created the human race with all its intricacy and was responsible for it as its God.
This Word eventually became Jesus as the only begotten human Son brought into existence by God Personally and not created by the Word.
As for the animals or anything else on this planet, who actually created them at God’s direction is not stated. One can assume that since Satan had authority over the serpent that Satan had something to do with the Serpents coming into existence and had authority over such animals.
The word “All” does not mean everything and only human life is credited to this Word who took charge of the human race at this beginning of man’s creation discussed by John in his introduction.
Scripture says God is love. If He was at one point alone, who was He loving? Himself? You mean He had no object for His love until He first created Jesus and the angels and finally man? Sounds a bit narcistic, don't you think? If that is not the case, than there must have been a point in time when God was loveless.
than there must have been a point in time when God was loveless.
..sitting in a saloon crying in his beer. Then he decided to create our Universe. Unfortunately he couldn't hold his beer and that explains the result.