I find it interesting that the wts has this persecution complex. Apostates all out to get them and stuff. I must say that although a search on the web will bring you lots of great anti-jw stuff(thier own fault because they only have 1 official website) the number of people actually trash talking is quite small and its mostly ex-jws and some still in the org. So in a way yes they are persecuted by thier own members. Whenever I mention jws to people I know, all they do is roll thier eyes. They think the jws are harmless, just annoying. I would hardly call that persecution. In reality I think the majority of the world could care less about the wts.
Are JWs really persecuted?
by gringojj 23 Replies latest jw friends
In reality I think the majority of the world could care less about the wts.
Too true, I have a small handful of friends who are ex jws that I knew in my days of being a "good" jw. But non of my other friends even treat it as an issue. Honestly the extent of discussing it is more for therapy and being able to bond with others who have lived through it as well, but definitely not the persecution claimed.
Does anyone have some quotes where the wts talked about being persecuted?
I do think JWs are persecuted for their religious beliefs, usually in countries where other religions are receiving the same.
In the western world their rights of freedom of worship are guaranteed by the constitution of each cuntry so they don't get any problems and if they do they can go to a court and make their case.
In other less democratic states eg the moslem world or what remains of the communist world they can get persecuted but so do all other christian religions.
Otherwise they also bring persecution upon themselves needlessly by being over provocative and fanatical as in Malawi or in the USA during Rutherford's era.
The most important point however is that they themselves severely persecute all those jw members disagreeing with their leadership's opinions and therefore deserve no pity wherever they meet with persecution. It's just a case of dog eats dog. -
Room 215
While it's true that there are pockets of religious persecution throughout the world, it's rare that JWs are SINGLED OUT in the way that they describe; they're usually lumped together with a group of marginal religions. But as those who are ``objects of hatred by all nations on account of my name?" Hardly. Most enlightened Western nations and their legal systems bend over backwards to preserve their religious freedom.
I think that the general public's opinion of JWs ranges from moderate annoyance to bemusement over their cartoonish world view. I would say it's rare that they provoke anger, and when they do, it's usually over some controversial issue like blood or the child molestation policy. In my 50 years of having associated with them, I can't recall one instance of them being ``hated for my (Jesus) name."
I remember reading stories from the early days of people being tarred and feathered and run out of town (I think Mormons received similar treatment). So there was some real persecution in North America at one time, but it wasn't government sponsored...except maybe for prison time for those unwilling to go to war or accept alternative service (not sure if alternative service was offered during WWI).
These days, except for certain repressive regimes, "persecution" seems to include anything negative that is said in the media or by individuals...which is hardly the same thing
It seems by feeling persecuted people will equate that with a noble cause. They think since they are holding thier ground then they have dignity. The problem is that the KKK could say they are being persecuted, but that doesnt make them noble.
In my experience in the USA, JW's were not truly persecuted. People were irritated by them and expressed that annoyance. But actual instances of physical intimidation or harm were rarer or nonexistent.
I heard this from the platform at least a couple of times: Your biggest test as a JW would come from those INSIDE the organization. That's right - Satan would use us against each other to try to sow discord and disharmony among "Jehovah's people".
That kind of teaching helped reinforce the "trust nobody (even inside the "truth") but stay loyal to the organization" cultish thinking.
I quit!
Well said gringojj.
I get a kick out how they can go door to door bothing people with their magazines that claim the churches these people go to are under satan's influence then scream persecution the minute someone points out all the false teachings of the Watchtower. It is laughable but sad.