The next cover-up or scandal?

by kwintestal 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Ticker

    The closest to senior abuse that I have personally witnessed is a couple that had the wifes elderly mother come and stay with them for awhile. Of course she had to pay her share and they even pushed her into the religion which was new to her and she didnt fully understand. She began to develop dementia though and suffered from what I believe was palsy by the symptons she showed. Of course this was a no no and an embaressment to the PO and his wife, so she was shipped off to live with her other "worldly" daughter. All of a sudden the meetings that had been so important and the fellowship she had was stripped from her as she was becoming a burden. I could never see the justification or love in this experience. Even further this couple couldn't be bothered with the burden of picking up the elderly mother to bring her to any meetings. In effect she castigated to the wayside just like so many others.


  • crazyblondeb

    The JWs always brag about "taking care of their own." What about all the elderly ones that have holes in their home? Or maybe no groceries, or unable to buy their medication?? But they are expected to be at meetings and in field service.

    Even though this might not legally be elder abuse, I think it's just as bad.They sure aren't being too "god-like".


  • Ticker
    Even though this might not legally be elder abuse, I think it's just as bad.They sure aren't being too "god-like".

    I second this thought, what happened to caring for the elderly, or showing proper respect for your parents. Just another double speak standard that looks good in print but is far from the norm in practice. Not that their are not ones that do care for the elderly but the majority are far to occupied with other congregational activities to even take note of these ones. They become just a familar face at the meeting and might get the occasional quick hello as ones pass them by to go talk to their click of friends after the meeting.


  • Honesty
    You'd think the courts and media would have a field day crucifying the WTS... nobody likes them...NOBODY!

    And what journalist or lawyer wouldn't want to crack that case?

    Something don't add up...

    u/d (of the WTS = "Teflon Theology" class)

    It must be the troof because they have Joe Hoba's protection.

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    I know of a couple in Oregon who have given a lifetime of full-time service to WT. They have no retirement. Their children all followed in their footsteps working part-time or in low paying service jobs. A few winters ago, this couple needed new tires for their car. They couldn't afford to buy them, their children apparently could not help either. This couple is well into their 70s. While this is not direct abuse I feel it is an abuse of sorts. People at this age should not have to worry about whether they can afford tires for their car. Oh, did I mention they are still working? They can't afford to retire yet.

    As for elderly abuse, I have seen only verbal abuse and know of one specific case. The wife is slightly older than the husband. He is an elder. Her health is declining. He has no patience for her needs. Anything that goes wrong is her fault. What's really sad is that the adult children can't do anything to stop the verbal abuse because this guy doesn't listen to the kids either. Breaks my heart!

  • Apostanator

    I think there is a real probability that the Watchtower will put the push on for the elderly to leave their worldly possesions to them. You know how they always have their yearly " How To Give " articles in the Watchtower. Seeing that so many families have been alienated by Watchtower policy, they could present information in their mags. that having wordly family members in your will would be like leaving your valuables to Satan. I know when my mom dies I won't be getting anything, she probably has the WBTS listed in her will, thinking that she has put Kingdom interests first right up till her death. I'll contest it though !

  • TheListener

    My experience tells me that most in the congregation do try and help the elderly ones. The real problem with elderly ones as I see it is lack of financial means. They didn't have kids, due to WTS pressure, now they've got very little family; they didn't have retirement plans, thank to WTS pressure, and now they have very little money. The congregation's try to help some of these on a personal basis but let's face it you can only do so much and only for so long.

    I would love to see the current and historical average age of a dub. I feel like there membership is aging but I have no proof.

  • Ticker
    They didn't have kids, due to WTS pressure, now they've got very little family; they didn't have retirement plans, thank to WTS pressure, and now they have very little money.

    Exactly, hit the nail on the head. Most elderly people have family to care for them, but ones who followed the Watchtowers councel do not. I remember Ray saying in his book how this was a very hard feeling for him and his wife due to them not having children. They are both up in years and his wifes health is not the best, and no children to help with thier needs due to the Watchtower's repeated message of not bearing children in this time of the end. It was sad when I read that, but yet its sadder because that is only one case out of probably many.


  • Carol

    The WTS has for many, many years strong armed it's members....particularly the wealthy ones and property owners to leave their possessions to the Society or Congregation. One elderly sister in my old congo owned the 5 acres in front of the acreage the KH sat on....she went to the CO and asked him to go to a lawyer and have a Deed prepared so she could convey it to the congo, retaining life rights to live in the house.......he never did it and when she passed away, the congo had to buy it from her niece and nephew (non-JW's) because they needed the parking and space to put an addition on the KH. In order to pay for the purchase the CO hit up two brothers in the congo, one a Dentist the other a Builder (they were wealthy), never telling them that if he had done his job and the congo had spent $500.00 two years earlier it wouldn't have cost $50,000.00 to buy what had been given to the congo as a gift. I know this is factual, because I was in my early twenties and sat at the dining table with both parties and offered the CO my services as a paralegal........he informed me that the congo had an attorney they used for things like this!

    The JW's for the most part take, take, take and rarely (I'm not saying never) do they take care of the "widows and fatherless boy" (i.e. elderly, children with non-JW parent).

  • LongHairGal


    I see where you are coming from and I tend to agree with the possibility of this happening. What we are both talking about is the fact that certain ones will be covetous of the money that elderly ones supposedly have and the fact that they may be conned out of it by certain slick ones.

    I have seen the reality of how covetous some are of others who they perceive are better off financially than they are. I myself was sized-up for this reason by certain ones and it is not because I have "money" but because I have a job. Sometimes that is all it takes to be perceived as a "golden girl" by some of these deadbeat personalities who are looking for something for nothing. The very old plus ones who make a decent living are would-be targets.

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