Any one else that can't sleep besides me ?

by kls 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Perhaps KLS did finally fall asleep in the early hours of the morning.

  • luna2

    I hope she did.

    I hate it when I can't sleep. I tend to nap (if I'm off) and it screws up my whole day. It's bad enough that I went to bed at midnight last night and woke up at 5:30 this least I only work til 3:00 today.

  • z

    Kls the sheep come over my house first I’m counting and counting the don’t help so I send them away the come over you and do same s*** the are bustard ……I go to bad at 11.30 or later and up at 3.31am why, why, why, and my wife can sleep till the cow come home . maybe we should start to count cow?

  • riotgirlpeeps

    I'm with Evil and KLS I normally don't sleep more than 3 or 4 anymore, oddly though it went away completely when my boy was out here with me. When on the phone he tells me to sleep well. I laugh, he knows I'm an insomniac.

  • kls

    Did the monkey finally fall asleep nope , she finally feel asleep around 5:00am and was up at 8: 00 am .

    There auta be a law

    Thanks guys for keeping me company ,it makes the night go much better when you have good friends to talk toI love you guys

  • whyamihere

    I have not slept in 3 years.

    I take sleeping pills just to get some sleep ...but I think it will slow down your metabolism so I take diet pills to even it out.

    After typing that out maybe that is a bad thing.


  • defd

    I hate night and listening to my dogs snoring ; Maybe if i count sheep ,1,2,3,,naw , that 's Bethels job. Take some tylonol PM. It knocks me out

  • kls

    Whyamihere & defd, i take sleeping pills but don't like to so i usually just switch off with no sleep ,hate taking any pills .

    Who needs sleep anywayso i am a walking zombie with toothpicks in my eyes

  • Satanus

    When i can't sleep, i take a couple of tokes of some natural medication. If it doesn't do it, i take a couple more, and so on, until i fall asleep. Natural is better for monkeys.


  • kls
    i take a couple of tokes of some natural medication

    Satanus , Tokes ,lol,,,,,,,,i get it ! Took me a few but i did get it I am soooo smart

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