How Do You React When You Realize You Are Wrong?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • orion

    My husband and i take turns being right if i'm wrong i just say "today is your day to be right" or visa versa. If I really screw up, I have learned to take a deep breath and apologize......although its taken me a long time to get there..... I screwed up recently and was mis-informed about my close friend we ended up not speaking to each other for a while until finally we figured out what had happened.......I had to spologize repeatedly, since I had been in the wrong...we were able to make up

  • kls

    Wrong , why i am never ever wrong , i may not be right but never wrong,,,,,,,,,,i am women

  • prophecor

    I will usually admit when it is I am wrong. It's a huge part of growing up, for me, and right now at this stage of my life, having once been JW, I've gotta' a lotta' growin' up to do. I will usually eat crow and humbly admit my mistakes, then there are times when I'll remain in my infantile " you pushed me, first" mentality, "did not, did too, did not, did too, did not, did too " That circular mental and emotional jousting can require so much energy, but I'm getting better about it, honestly, I really am

  • outoftheorg

    After I get over the extreme shock at actually being wrong for the first time.

    I just admit it.

    It is easier that way.


  • mrsjones5

    Oops I made a booboo **it happens

  • BrendaCloutier


    There is a difference in kissing ass with a meaningless apology, and acknowleding an actual wrong and making a - mends - mending the situation as needed. Today I can do so and not feel like I have to loose face and feel and act lower than pondscum.

    I agree that there has been for a long-time a leftover JW thing about right and wrong. Never admit you're wrong and feed your ego. Admit your wrong and sling repentence with wailing and remorse from under the other person's foot and feed your low self esteem. Nothing in the middle.

    I prefer "oops, I goofed. what can I do to make it right?"

  • minimus

    I hate it when someone apologizes and they really don't mean it.

  • mrsjones5

    like "I'm sorry but you made me do it"?

  • BrendaCloutier

    I like my crow with salsa and tortillas. It goes down better.

  • mrsjones5

    dont forget the guacamole

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