Can inactive ex-JW's be disfellowshipped? If so, how and for what? I've always been interested but can't ask my mother (still a JW) for fear of upsetting her. If I was D/F'd, would it really mean that even my immediate family would 'shun' me? I always thought that your immediate, nuclear family could still keep in contact...
Can inactives be D/F'd?
by tabbycat 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
yes it is possible, it happened to a friend of mines dad.
the reason he was DFed is to stop his son and borthers from trying to contact him. Not to mention that the PO is his brotherinlaw and doesn't like him...
They are not really supposed to DF people who've been inactive for a long time because they are non-members. It makes no sense to cancel the membership of a non-member. But it does happen. They do what they want.
In the '80s they said DFd adults not living in the same household should not be having contact with current JWs. There are some who disregard that.
You bet they can !
The caveat is whether they may still be known to the neighborhood or the congregation as Witnesses, but that is up to the discretion of the elders, so anything can happen ..
The immediate family would have to shun the d/f'd one, unless they live in the same house. Even then they are supposed to keep contact to a restricted level, just necessary family businness.
The long arm of the borg can still reach us
Oh yes, it was the living in the same house thing that was the rule-bender re. D/F relatives. Oh well. I'm not planning on getting D/F deliberately, and hate the thought of it being announced to all the old judgemental busy-bodies in my old cong. It would just confirm their (wrong) assumptions. When someone is DF's it seems like a large proportion of JW's thrive on the drama and guess the worst case scenario when someone is DF'd. Despite having known the person for years, suddenly they are deemed capable of engaging in all manner of deacadent activities. Sadly, I was never really that exciting...
It's kinda like saying can Cops beat you....No (officially),
But piss of the wrong one and when no one is looking....POW!'s kinda like dat.
u/d (of the pray for video footage class)
The new organization book has laid the groundwork for eliminating inactive ones without officially DFing or DAing them but still have them treated as DFd.
In my opinion the WTS is feeling the effects of those who are just quietly quitting and walking away and they fear what such ones could do behind the scenes in trying to anti-witness to friends and family. The numbers of dissenters are growing, especially in countries where the Internet has become a part of life.
The official 'rule' is that if you are not active anymore but people still see you as a whitness then you can get df-ed. If knowbody sees you as a whitness anymore, they should not bother. But of course that is a very bendable rule.
Perhaps what they are looking for, is whether you are someone spreading ideas against the GB and their org if you are then they will definitely expel you the whole idea of disfel/ing is to protect the GB from criticism they are very sensitive to it because their positions are easily invalidated.
I suppose posting on this is reason enough. Oh the joys of living in a totalitarian state. Fortunately, I am far from my orginal 'stomping ground' and my family are too (though nowhere near me sadly). Thanks for the advice. It's hard to keep up with all of this 'new light' (the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades).