O.K. Tell the truth...

by 9thWonder 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tetrapod.sapien
    yep, I always promised myself I'd make it up the next month, but of course never did;)

    ha ha! same here.

    i have years of joe hoba service back payment on my tab.

    of course, by the end, i was writing zeros that looked like possible sixes. he he he

    if there is an afterlife, and jehovah meets me in hades, his version of hell will be sending me back up top to make up the time. (hey?! that's where those crazy CO's come from! re-incarnated slackers)

  • Frog

    LOL! The way I see it TPS, you've got 1500JWD posts x 5min average = 750hrs...so if you did happen to cross paths with Jehoba in hades, I wouldn't be worrying too much about your previous S8 report dephicit! LOL! Frog

  • googlemagoogle

    i always did. first i said, i can do it next month, but later i found out i won't do it anyway. i also found out that pretty everyone at least of the young ones was faking their numbers.

    this is a chart of hours and what they really mean:

    1h = didn't go out in service, but didn't want to lie tooooo much
    2h = didn't go out in service: standard fake, or went out in service once less than 2h
    3h = wen't around the blocks for an hour and spent some time in a café
    4h = very rare, usually rounded to 5h. possibly went out in service twice.
    5h = standard fake. this is the amount that saves you some trouble from the elders.

    above those hours it's usually a rounding thing, but that only happens when you really went out in service at least twice.

  • Pole
    of course, by the end, i was writing zeros that looked like possible sixes. he he he

    First I was honest. Then I kept making personal promises that I'd make it up the next month and when no angel of Jehoba struck me after a few months, I started reporting fake hours. I was on my way out of the org anyway.

  • katiekitten


    OK, well maybe just a little bit....

    It used to make me utterly miserable trying to get those bloody pioneer hours in. I used the standard tricks though to get long stretches of time in - start you time close to home by knocking a door then walk to the field service group (I didnt have a car so it wasnt exactly cheating), hand a few leaflets out on the way.

    It was murder if someone offered me a lift because it meant I had to spend another two hours raking the streets. Fortunately all the other pioneers were so unbeleivably selfish lifts were very rarely offered. And if they did, they would drop you off somewhere that was convenient for their journey i.e. still half a mile away from where you needed to be so that they didnt have to turn round. I mean how inconvenient can it be to drive down two streets you dont need to WHEN YOU HAVE A FRICKIN CAR???

  • FirstInLine

    Field service was the absolute worst part about being a future exJW. Its like "Hey everyone! That's right My mom is RETARDED and here I am, living proof, Im gonna knock on your door now just in case you don't believe me when I say Hey! My mom is RETARDED! Look at me!"


    From about 9 years old to 15 it was one hour a month. Once or twice it was two hours. But I always told the truth. Although I did say I was gonna fight this one elder and I never did, that I lied about. I said it too his face too. He was in full dress clown outfit. Yes the real thing. It was one of those lame JW "Hey were throwing a party because its really far from a holiday and at least a week from anyone's birthday who is in attendance parties." Happens about as often a two solar eclipses and a lunar eclipe, in the same day kind of deal. But they forgot about the Aztec Gods ahahahahhahahh I FOOLED THEM THEY WERE WORSHIPPING THE SUN GODs NEPHEW DARUUL! Fools! Everyone knows the second Wednesday after summer soltice is DARUUL's celebration of the raping and sacrifice of the random virgin festival!

  • googlemagoogle

    But they forgot about the Aztec Gods ahahahahhahahh I FOOLED THEM THEY WERE WORSHIPPING THE SUN GODs NEPHEW DARUUL! Fools!

    LOL! i have to remember that one.

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