Did you do crazy things post DF?

by anewme 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • anewme

    I was just wondering if anyone out there had similar struggles after being disfellowshipped?
    All my life I was a good Christian person, then after getting DF'd I entertained the idea to do all manner of formerly forbidden activities, since everyone thought I was going to the devil anyway.

  • RichieRich

    I'm doing some crazy things preDFing. Also, on the new avatar! is that you?

  • GetBusyLiving

    I had the desire to go entirely apeshit post DA for a few months.. then I just settled down into real life again and its not really that much different from when I was a Dub. Other than hardcore fornication and drug use.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Right after being disfellowshipped I became a first class fornicator.

    Just loved sex once I discovered it! Loved it, loved it, loved it!!! I mellowed out right around my 26th birthday.


  • anewme

    I was just wondering. I've calmed down too.

  • Krystal

    LOL... Woo hoo ! I am not alone...

    Yeah, I went a little crazy... way too much sex/booze (I bought like 15 christmas CD's! LOL)

    it has been three and a half years now so I am sorta "normal" now...

  • tijkmo

    yup ...i got reinstated

  • Dustin

    I drank very heavily for a while after I left. I never did anything too crazy. Now I'm starting a new rock band though, so I'm sure there's some crazy times ahead.

  • love2Bworldly

    TJIKMO--yup ...i got reinstated I CAN RELATE!!! Got reinstated, and then slowly faded.

  • anewme

    Its all probably very understandable given we were so confined. So much of our spirituality was dictated. When there was no more restraint from an outside source, we found we had none internally. We had to decide what was good and what was bad for ourselves. Now that I am free to decide these things I find myself using the knowledge I gained from the scriptures and other sources to make my decisions. Like the other day.....I was walking through my new town getting acquainted with the new shops. There was a tobacco shop, very nice window, a man was sweeping outside and invited me in to see his "humidor"? I forget what he called the special room he kept his best cigars. It was wonderful in there and so forbidden formerly! I told him I had never even touched a cigarette before. He offered me two slim brown lady cigars as a gift and showed me how to smoke them. I went home and in the privacy of my own backyard I brought out the cigars and smoked one in front of my dogs. Wow was that ever fun!!!! To sit there blowing smoke, trying to make rings like in the movies etc... I felt so free and happy to do this without condemnation from anybody. But the taste was terrible and I began to feel a little queezy. I noticed my long hair was taking on the awful cigar smoke smell. I put it out before I finished it. Ok I tried it. Dont think I'll do that again. I decided for myself that it was not for me. That felt great!!

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