Did you do crazy things post DF?

by anewme 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Dustin

    LOL about the smoking story. I am the world's worst smoker. I try to inhale but I just cough constantly. I can't hold it right either, unless I was in a gay bar. (no offense intended)

    Anyways, it sounds like you are going about things the right way. Alot of people when they get DF'd go off the deep end. Just realize that they don't control you anymore. Experience life and have a good time. You're going to love it.

  • greendawn

    After disassociating from the borg I did some fornicating with several women over two or three years then settled down, I never got into smoking or drugs or excess alcohol. One can easily imagine that after years in the borg one dearly misses some sexual activity.

  • coolhandluke

    I'm still fresh out of the collective. I completely moved away from California all the way to the midwest. I discovered the gange and the cigar. It's just nice not to be condemned for trying things. I learned not to be ashamed of my body and to enjoy a womans body. I discovered me. Not an imposed view of myself but me for me. I love that!

  • anewme

    Friends have told me to do as many new and interesting things as I can, that that is what life's about.

    It is a whole new world of fun and adventure if you see it that way!

  • greendawn

    You always try new things but not all of them are profitable, for me cigarettes and drugs were out mainly because I hate being dependant on chemical substances to get my kicks out of life. One can't be totally free and wild.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Remember, the law's of physics still apply to you. I wish I could disassociate from gravity..


  • DannyBloem

    hmm, I am still not df-ed.

    [edited] I already doing some wild things. What else I would do... I do not know...

  • out of the box
    out of the box

    coolhandluke, you discovered LOVE. TRUE AGAPE as well! Love of people, love of life here on Earth. That was what I was promised I would learn when begining studying with JWs. I ONLY learned it AFTER I LEFT!!!
    After you leave, you have the space and time to apply what you have learned and want to do in the way of decency and caring that was only in theory only as a JW. To be too muchy or show any emotion up or down the scale would have been discouraged. But NOW you can BE who you REALLY ARE! And guess what, you will find out that you are not EVIL! Hitler was evil, I could go on... there are no suicide bombers here!

    The real evil is in a cult depriving all it's members of the truth and what they could have had in their lives in the way of simple joys. And taking their money for material gain (such as property and machinery for the cult kept in the cult's name, or keeping them from higher education, or having a job that would pay more so that they could live better). And, might I add that the 'truth' changes over the years for them. After a few years you will find that their current truth will be different, and you will see that clearly!!! You will wonder how they ever accepted that!

    out of the box

  • Ticker

    I am not DF'd but have been out for 5 years + now. I did do some but not too crazy because I am a little older so maybe I got a little wiser. lol I doubt it though. No I just took it one day at a time and in a little while it just became normal life like everyone elses, you get to learn your limits and you realize that you are the one responsible for your actions. Kinda like you reap what you sow, but at least you are in full control of what you choose to do or not do. I just enjoyed the freedoms of everday people such as birthdays, christmas, a ciggarette if i wanted, went to a music concert in washington, just ordinary everyday fun.


  • tabbycat

    I'm not D/F'd, but when I left I wore the worst clothes you can possibly imagine. It was poss the most obvious case of lame teenage rebellion you've could see. I feel ashamed! It wasn't even slutty, just embarrassing 'sub-culture' wear!

    My post-JW clothes were sheer bad taste which were just the dark underbelly of the cheapo Laura Ashley rip-offs I wore when I was 'in' (though that style was seriously floundering for me by the time I left...). There were a lot of raised eyebrows in the town I was in, and numerous reports back to my poor mother, who is still the world's best JW.

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