So, according to Genesis 1v1, ''In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth'' - so what I want to know is if God lives in the heavens now, where did he live BEFORE he created them? Was he just renting a place? Maybe his nan's spare room?
So what was God's address then?
by MidwichCuckoo 30 Replies latest jw friends
I have a lot of odd questions like that to!
He was a floater in nonspace, anchorless, of no fixed address, a purposeless, amorphous whisp of an elemental, looking for something to give
worshipmeaning to his darkness, a mirror whereby he could discover himself, what he was/is/am/will be.S
Ps, his zip code might have been 777 7 777
So Sheldon was some kind of cosmic hobo? Someone should tell Him that it's psychologically dodgy to define yourself in relation to others.
*waits for thunderbolt*
Praise Sheldon!
He was a floater in nonspace, anchorless, of no fixed address, a purposeless, amorphous whisp of an elemental, looking for something to give
worshipmeaning to his darknessHe was jolly lucky He wasn't arrested then.
thats a very very good question
I called him amorphous darkness, but he could have been amorphous light. It's impossible to tell, if he can't see himself and there is nothing to reflect him back.
Someone should tell Him that it's psychologically dodgy to define yourself in relation to others.
True. However, in the pantheist beginningsand ttill now, all things are god. If that were true, then we are all tiny motes of god pretending not to be. Yet, we are, and all things have ever been god reflecting god back to
himit in it's exploration of itself.**I started out the above posts as a joke. However, i tend to believe some of what i said.
Your question is an excellent one, which illustrates how the majority of religions wrongly interpret Scriptures. The idea of God being thought of as a person or even a being, and existing in a place, or several places at once in space and time, is so limiting. None of this is what the Bible really teaches. Only a tiny bit of the Bible should ever be understood literally, and even these portions have several deeper meanings at the same time, which none of us fully understand.
It is commonly said that god made the universe out of nothing. Doesn't it make more sense that he made it out of himself? Then, once he did that, was he able to extricate himself from it? Or, was it sticky? Did the churchmen pronounce the former in order to avoid getting stuck in the latter?
that is an easy one:
…Alcyone, the central one of the renowned Pleiadic stars… Alcyone, then, as far as science has been able to perceive, would seem to be 'the midnight throne' in which the whole system of gravitation has its seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe…