So what was God's address then?

by MidwichCuckoo 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • trevor
    where did he live BEFORE he created them?

    The assumption that God was a he and he needed a place to live gives us a clue as to who wrote the Bible.

    Surprise, surprise - Men!

  • carla

    I thought someone once wrote He lived on the planet (or star?) Alcyone. Must be true. carla

  • greendawn

    Rutherford thought he lived in the pleiades constellation in our galaxy, this shows us why amateurs without proper religious training should never meddle in religion so as to pronounce authoritative statements.

    We should not perceive an infinite God in a limited human way, who knows how many universes there are and of what nature they may be. This universe that we know may be just one of millions and its nature one of many possible.

    Humans should first grasp the nature of fundamental concepts like time, space, energy, and matter.

  • Satanus

    Since the reign of joe rutherford, the wt god has picked up stakes and moved further away. In fact, he has moved right out of this universe. His new nieghborhood is located in the 'spiritual heavens'. That's right folks. Here are the quotes from the insight book.


    it-2 p. 14 Jehovah ***

    the physical heavens do not embrace or enclose the place of God’s residence


    it-1 p. 1060 Heaven ***

    the "heavens, yes, the heaven of the heavens" cannot contain God. (1Ki 8:27) As the Creator of the heavens, Jehovah’s position is far above them all, and "his name alone is unreachably high. His dignity is above earth and heaven." (Ps 148:13) Jehovah measures the physical heavens as easily as a man would measure an object by spreading his fingers so that the object lies between the tips of the thumb and the little finger. (Isa 40:12) Solomon’s statement does not mean that God has no specific place of residence. Nor does it mean that he is omnipresent in the sense of being literally everywhere and in everything.


    it-1 p. 1060 Heaven ***


    Heavens. The same original-language words used for the physical heavens are also applied to the spiritual heavens. As has been seen, Jehovah God does not reside in the physical heavens, being a Spirit. However, since he is "the High and Lofty One" who resides in "the height" (Isa 57:15), the basic sense of that which is "lifted up" or "lofty" expressed in the Hebrew-language word makes it appropriate to describe God’s "lofty abode of holiness and beauty." (Isa 63:15; Ps 33:13, 14; 115:3)
  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Greendawn, excellent post. Whenever there is God bashing of this sort I always think it odd that people use human concepts of space, time, etc. to show there is no God, or how foolish the notion is. IF there is a God of the sort many imagine why couldn't God exist outside of our concepts/understanding of space-time and so on. Its sort of like what has been pointe out on this forum, this is Simon's house, he makes the rules and he can break the rules if he sees fit, and if this is God's universe I would imagine he/she/it having the same priveleges.

  • greendawn

    Yes big dog we just live in one dimension, the spiritual world exists in another and the scientists are still trying to work out the fundamentals of the atom the mathematics involved in this field being ferociously complicated.

    They say: as yet we only scratched the surface when it comes to knowing all about the atom which is the basic unit of this universe. And imagine that is a really tiny thing. No doubt one day they will discover invisible substances or energies that are indispensible to life.

  • jaffacake

    Greendawn & Bigdog,

    I agree with your viewpoint. So many people take Bible passages about the nature of God, creation and the final ending of the universe, in such a crudely literal sense, that they come into unnecessary conflict with ordinary scientific knowledge.

    "To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare him to?" (Isaiah 40:18).

  • jaffacake

    The Bible does not actually speak of a creation out of nothing, as later theologians were to do. It speaks of a formation of heaven & earth, & God's spirit hovering over the deep. Jews & Christians liked to think an all powerful God must have created the deep. But this 'deep' was consistently symbolic for the dangerous power of chaos. But a theme of creation as God's conquest over the Deep (chaos) is a theme found elsewhere in the Bible. (Psalm 74:13, Isaiah 27:1, Isaiah 51:9).

    Only at the end of time, and only then, will the sea, chaos be finally overcome. Just now it is just being restrained. 'there was no longer any sea' (Revelation 21:1)

    Jesus always spoke in parables, never literally, and yet so many Christians today try to interpret the rest of the Bible, and also Jesus words too literally, but only when it suits them. I don't see many plucking out their eyes when this causes them to sin, yet they take the other bits of the same sermon literally.

  • Satanus


    he makes the rules and he can break the rules if he sees fit, and if this is God's universe I would imagine he/she/it having the same priveleges

    I believe that not recognising that has been tha wt's problem, the christian's problem for the last 2000 yrs, and the problem of the men that wrote the bible. They have laid rules on 'it'.


  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    Satanus, I'm intrigued, can you amplify your thought?

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